Do you like him?

Jian Xia pushed his chest. it's late. If I don't go back now, my parents will be worried.

"I'll send you back," he said helplessly.

It was so late, how could he be at ease if he let her go back alone?

He drove the car, and she sat in the front passenger seat. The street lights flickered, and she turned her face to him. He didn't know what she was thinking.

The two of them didn't speak along the way.

When they arrived at the small post office, she shouted for him to stop, and he stopped the car. She was about to open the door and get out of the car when he grabbed her again.|| He grabbed her wrist.

"Don't avoid me."

It wasn't a pleading tone but a commanding one. Jian Xia couldn't help but look at him. Then, she broke free from his hand and got out of the car in a hurry.