I love Jian Xia

Of course, mother Jian also thought of it. She gritted her teeth and said, " "Are you crazy? Don't you know how badly our Jian family has been harmed by the Xie family?"

Jian Xia held her mother's hand. his brother is his brother. He is him. This time, when dad was framed, he was the one who saved him.

"You believed his flowery words? Who knows if he's colluding with his older brother to frame our Jian family? you're such a naive girl!"

Jian Xia knew that no matter what she said, her family would never believe the Xie family. This was also the reason why she had been hiding Xie Muye.

How could the old enmity between the two families be resolved with just a few words?

"Mom, Xie Muye is different from his big brother."

"You child, you're really possessed. With just a few words from Xie Muye, you're convinced. There's no one easy to deal with in the Xie family. You're so simple-minded, but you've still been deceived by him."