Did you not hold a wedding either?

What was there to think about?

She took her time to go upstairs. Shen Zhaozheng was not in the bedroom. She thought that he was probably taking care of the child, so she went to the gym and walked slowly for a while to exercise.|| His body.

When she returned to the room, he was still not there.

Gu Nian then went to the room next door. The nanny was not around. He was playing building games with the children.

Gu Nian walked over and sat down on the carpet. Just as she was about to place her chin on the man's shoulder, the man moved away without a trace. She looked at him sadly as she missed.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing," the man replied indifferently.

Gu Nian moved to his back and knelt down behind him. "Let's go back to the room."

If there was any resentment, the two of them could talk about it in private, so that quarrels would not scare the child.