What did you guys say?

she didn't reveal anything. She was originally a prisoner in life imprisonment. After her death, she was cremated immediately. There's no way to do an autopsy, so you can rest assured.

"You've done a good job," Huang Wei raised an eyebrow,"thanks for your hard work."

"It's my honor to work for you, Madam."

After the call ended, Huang Wei snuffed out the cigarette in her hand and made another call,"Did Liu Mei make any movement these days?"

nothing much. He's usually at the mansion in the western suburbs. I went out to play mahjong yesterday afternoon.

"What kind of people are her card partners?" Huang Wei's eyes flashed with calculation.

the people around the western suburbs residence are all retired officials of the Academy of Sciences. Her card partner is the wife of a CEO, and they usually play cards with her.

"Is the Director General's wife's mouth sealed?"

"Big mouth, you tell others everything."