I won't be nice to Jian Xia

Xie Muye raised his brows slightly,"as for you creating an opportunity for Xue bin, I still have some resentment in my heart."

"What can I do to appease your anger?" Jian Xia raised her head and looked at him.

"What do you think?" Xie Muye placed his hand on her back.

Jian Xia stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the lips. "Is this tillating enough?"

Xie Muye turned around and pulled her into his arms. as for Xue bin, I can let him off the hook, but I'll still use my own methods to make Yingluo pay.

Let Deputy Xie|| He had to bear with this. Sorry, this was not his usual style.

Jian Xia replied to him weakly, " yeah, it's up to you. Just don't expose yourself. It'll be difficult for my dad.

"Don't worry."

What she was worried about now was that her father was still unable to accept Xie Muye.

What made her even more worried was that Xie Muye had yet to bring her home.

"Are you still bringing me home?" she mumbled.