Huang Wei felt awkward

When Shen Zhaozheng introduced Huang Wei, Huang Wei could clearly feel the displeasure emanating from director Gu.

She quickly stepped forward and stretched out her hand. "Hello, director Gu. It's an honor to meet you."

Gu jinghang did not extend his hand, so Huang Wei's hand could only hang in the air.

Song ran sat in the back and watched everything calmly.

Huang Wei felt embarrassed. Occasionally, busy servants would pass by. This director Gu really didn't give them any face.

Gu jinghang said in a deep voice, " all things will prosper in a harmonious family. I've always hoped that after the younger generation gets married, their families will also be harmonious. I don't want anyone to stir up trouble. In-law, do you understand what I mean? "

The point of view that his ran wanted him to express, he naturally had to say it clearly, so that no one would dare to have any ill intentions towards his niannian.