Don't panic, don't panic

That woman was still dead.

He was dead.

Now, the nightmare was repeating itself. His peaceful days were over.

But he didn't know who had sent that woman to ask that question.

Ever since he left Maria's Hospital, he had not had any contact with Huang Wei. Huang Wei told him not to look for her again, and no one would look into what happened in the past. He also didn't want to look for Huang Wei, as it would only remind him of the past.

He didn't want to relive it.

But now, he had no choice but to relive it.

He had to tell Huang Wei about this.

In the evening, at the Ming city villa, Huang Wei received a call from an unknown number. She hesitated for a moment but still picked up the phone.

"I have something to tell you," a strange yet familiar voice said.

Huang Wei calmly took her phone and walked to the side hall. In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, her voice was very gloomy."Why did you call me all of a sudden?"