Chapter 2718-so what?

"Really?" Shen Zhaozheng was surprised.

How could this person be so patient? He didn't move at all, which was really strange.

He had a flash of inspiration. He had asked the warden to spread the word that the prisoner had returned from the infirmary, so who could be sure that this was a lie?

It was a doctor, a doctor from the prison.

He knew very well whether the so-called witness had returned from the infirmary or not, so he was so calm.

Shen Zhaozheng gave the warden a call. "How many doctors are there in your prison?"

two. One is Dr. Wu, and the other is Dr. Han. They were both sent by renshe hospital, not from our prison system.

"Find out who was on duty on the day of Lin Yin's death,"

The warden quickly found out and called Shen Zhaozheng back. "It's doctor han,"

"I know, don't beat the grass and alert the snake."

"Yes, sir,"