Are you willing to tell me?

The criminal was wearing a mask as he fled in a hurry. His wife quickly said, " "I'll call 120."

After calling 120, his wife still wanted to call 110, but Han Yong held her hand down. "Don't hit him, don't hit Yingluo."

He went to the hospital for a check-up and dressing. Fortunately, he had almost been stabbed in a vital part and had saved his life.

In the Imperial Villa, Shen Zhaozheng picked up the phone and said in a deep voice, " "How is it?"

teacher, I've stabbed him once. Judging from the distance, I didn't hurt his vital parts, but it's enough to make him suffer.

"Well done. Did he call the police?"

"I didn't."

Shen Zhaozheng's lips curled up. The fact that he didn't call the police meant that he suspected that they were sent by Huang Wei.

In that case, it wouldn't be long before he switched sides.

Huang Wei didn't know any of this. She went to Lilac Garden hospital to find Chu Chenguang.