Niannian, I will use all my strength to deal with Huang Wei

"I know. Mr. Ye, will you send me to the police station or I will go by myself?"

He had long been prepared to go to jail. He was no longer afraid. He was naked and had no ties to anyone. He only hoped that the person he liked could live a peaceful life and get what she wanted.

That night, Shen Zhaozheng returned home. Gu Nian came up to him and took the coat from him. "I came back a little late today, is there anything?"

Shen Zhaozheng held her hand and led her upstairs. He then told Gu Nian everything that had happened.

"Doesn't that mean that Huang Wei has escaped this time?" Gu Nian was shocked.

"Not necessarily," Shen Zhaozheng shook his head.

"What do you mean by that? Do you have a private plane?"

Shen Zhaozheng sat her down on the sofa. father is a suspicious person. Chu Chenguang suddenly put all the blame on him and said that he did those things because he liked Huang Wei.