Sentenced to life in prison

In the last years of her life, she had been so desperate.

The main culprits of all this was Huang Wei and their father.

If he had not broken his mother's heart, how could she be pregnant?|| What about the house she left when she was pregnant?

If she was still alive and had these children, even if she divorced her father, she would probably still be living a comfortable life.

It was a pity, a real pity.

The Three Sisters of the ye family left the cemetery, leaving only Shen Zhaozheng and Gu Nian standing there.

At the end of March, in the evening, the light of the sun disappeared inch by inch. The shadow of the Holly gradually became dim, and a Crow perched on the tombstone, making a wuwuwuwuwa sound.

Although the atmosphere was a little strange, Gu Nian did not feel afraid.

Perhaps it was because the person inside was brother zhaoxuan's mother.

She stood at the side and looked at the man beside her. She said softly, " "Let's go back, Yueyue."