Scared to death, he's really scared to death

"Because there's some urgent information that needs to be sent to the director's quarters."

Gu Yanzhi frowned. you can't drive so fast in the courtyard. What if you hit someone? "  

"I'm very sorry, Section Chief Gu," the man bowed again.

"Alright, you can go now. Be careful in the future."

The man left in a hurry, and the car did not dare to drive too fast. Gu Yanzhi turned around and saw Zhou Nan."What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Nan was a little frightened,"ah? I'm fine, I'm not injured."

"Why is your face so red?"

Zhou Nan could not help but touch his face."Yingluo, is there? Maybe it's because the weather is too hot."

Gu Yanzhi frowned. alright, I got it. Be more careful in the future.  

"Yes, Section Chief Gu. I'll go back first." Zhou Nan nodded.

Gu Yanzhi nodded, and Zhou Nan quickly ran away. Gu Yanzhi looked up at the sky, was it that hot? It was almost mid-August. Was it really that hot at night?

Perhaps he was more afraid of the heat.