You do have a good reason

Huang Wei was slightly relieved. Ye Xu had assured her that he shouldn't have killed her, so who could it be?

It was too hard to guess.

In Haicheng, ding Bairan reported to Shen Zhaozheng that Ye Xu had gone to the prison.

Shen Zhaozheng thought that Ye Xu had gone to see Huang Wei, so Xuanji and Huang Wei also suspected that Ye Xu had done it.

Then was it Ye Xu or not?

Shen Zhaozheng was a little annoyed. He lit a cigarette and said, " "Go and investigate this Ye Xu for me."

"Him? What was there to investigate? He's your third uncle's son and is now the director of the investment Department in Tiangang group."

"Investigate his personality and how he normally deals with people."


He wanted to see if it was possible for Ye Xu to avenge his mother. If he inherited Huang Wei's personality or was influenced by Huang Wei, he would be a very paranoid person and it was possible for him to avenge his mother.

If not, then it was another matter.