Chapter 2791-entertaining expert

what if he's taken it to heart? then he'll have a bad impression of our Xiao Ying. He might even think that Xiao Ying is someone who likes the rich.

Isn't your Xiao Ying the same?

Zhou Zhihai was annoyed. Alright, alright. Don't talk so much. I have to go entertain the guests first. I can't leave them hanging.

Gu Yanzhi was standing in the main hall with one hand in his pocket. Although it was his first time being a guest, he was very happy and at ease, as if he had just entered his own house.

On the other hand, the entire Zhou family was very embarrassed.

"May I sit down?" Gu Yanzhi looked up at Zhou Zhihai.

"Yes, of course," Zhou Zhihai quickly said.