Chapter 2837-have you reconciled?

Zhou Nan was a little flustered. Did the Section Chief think that she wasn't training properly and still had time to come out for a meal? was that why he was angry? she hurriedly ran away with Zhong Huai.

Gu Yanzhi was burning with anger, but he had to suppress it. He looked like he was about to explode. Ren Yusheng hurriedly asked the waiter to bring a pot of herbal tea. With the air conditioner on, he drank the herbal tea. Mr. Gu was really angry today.

When the herbal tea was served, Gu Yanzhi stood up."You guys go ahead, I still have things to do."

When he went downstairs, he paid the bill. After all, she was his classmate, so he had to give her some face. Then, he left the restaurant in a rage.

The few people in the private room were all at a loss.

"What's wrong, young master?"

I don't know. If he doesn't say anything, who can guess what he's thinking? the two people who bowed to him just now were probably his subordinates.
