Does she look like this?

At the entrance of the second Institute, Zhou Nan got out of the car, and Zhou Ying followed. Zhou Nan glanced at her and said, " "What are you doing not going home?"

"My brother Yingluo, can I see section Chief Gu?"

"No," Zhou Nan said coldly.

Who do you think Section Chief Gu is? do you think you can meet him just because you want to?

Zhou Ying followed Zhou Nan inside. She had to see Gu Yanzhi today and apologize to him.

"Let's go back immediately." Zhou Nan felt that she was a little annoying.

Zhou Ying thought to herself, "I'm not going to do that. You can't possibly hit me. when she walked to the training ground, Zhou Nan saw her Section Chief and a few colleagues playing basketball. It was evening, and the faint afterglow fell on them. His shooting posture was very cool and uninhibited, and she stopped in her tracks to look at it for a few seconds.

Zhou Ying was even more mesmerized.