You dare to say no?

Zhou Nan crumpled the tissue into a small ball and stuffed it into his nose. Only then did the nosebleed stop slightly. Then, he carefully touched his particularly high nose bridge. "It's good. It doesn't seem to be broken."

Gu Yanzhi pushed her hand away and touched it gently. It was indeed not broken.

"You little brat, you didn't know how to control your strength. You dare to offend your superior."

"Yingluo, you were the one who started it," Zhou Nan felt wronged.

"You still dare to talk back."

Zhou Nan's heart still palpitated with fear and he did not dare to speak.

Gu Yanzhi took two more tissues and wiped his nose. The nosebleed had finally stopped. He said coldly, I was just teaching you a lesson for overstepping the rules. Do I need you to tell me what to do about my matters? "

Zhou Nan knew that he was talking about Xu Jia. He laughed and said, " "But she's indeed a coward."