Did you walk here barefooted?

The two of them sat facing each other as they played the game. It was snowing heavily outside the French window on the side, and the temperature of the heater was quite high. Zhou Nan had laid out a small carpet in front of the French window, and she was only wearing socks as she stepped on the carpet.

Gu Yanzhi's eyes would occasionally fall on her feet. They seemed a little small. Well, she was not tall, barely 173. Compared to him, who was 186, her feet were certainly smaller.

He moved his feet without a trace, and then his toes touched her toes, as if he could feel her temperature, and he was unwilling to leave.

Zhou Nan was confused by the game, so he did not notice anything unusual.

The game continued until 10:30 pm. Zhou Nan wanted to go back, but Gu Yanzhi stopped him. Her wrists were thin, and her bones were slimmer, much slimmer than his. He felt that they were a good match.

"Watch a movie with me for a while longer."