This is an order

I've heard a rumor that our Deputy Section Chief Zhou has been appointed as the person in charge. If this is done well, this kid will have another credit.

Guo Lun's face suddenly sank, and he only said, " "Where did you hear that from? Don't spread it around."

"It's what the people outside said. I don't know if it's true or not, but boss, you still have to be on guard against that kid. He's coming with a menacing aura and he doesn't have good intentions."

Guo Lun was even more afraid of Zhou Nan now.

The next day, he took the initiative to look for Deputy Section Chief Kong Feng, because he knew that Section Chief Ren was Deputy Director Gu's classmate, so he would definitely side with Zhou Nan. Deputy Section Chief Kong was a fair person, so he was willing to believe in him.

"Vice Division Chief, how's the 'iron camp' plan that you mentioned before?"