He squeezed her hand tightly

It was afternoon when they arrived at his apartment, and the sky was so dark that it looked like evening.

It was Christmas Eve tomorrow, and she wanted to do more work today so that she could spend the holiday with him.

After swiping the security check and entering the password, Zhou Nan entered Gu Yanzhi's house. There was a cigarette smell in the room. Zhou Nan coughed lightly and saw Gu Yanzhi sitting on the sofa in the living room with a gloomy expression.

Zhou Nan was confused. What was wrong with him?

Gu Yanzhi snuffed out the cigarette in his hand and waved at her. Zhou Nan unbuttoned his coat and walked over. Gu Yanzhi held her hand.

Zhou Nan had a bad feeling in his heart. Nothing could stop Gu Yanzhi, unless it was Yingluo.

He rubbed his fingers against hers. "Sit down," he said.

His voice was also deep.

Zhou Nan started to feel nervous.