The staff involved will be fired

"Yes, I didn't know. When she entered the Research Institute, I really only thought that she was a boy. I didn't know, I really didn't know."

In the end, Zhou Nan only had a physical examination when he entered the aerospace college. He didn't have such a procedure when he entered the Research Institute.

Therefore, in general, the responsibility was still on the doctor Who had a physical examination at the aerospace Institute.

As a direct leader, Gu Yanzhi received a demerit. When it was reported to the whole hospital, there were different opinions.

As for the doctor Who was bribed by the Zhou family, he was fired and never hired again.

As for Zhou Nan, he was expelled for being lawless.

He didn't add the words "never hired" at the end.

Zhou Nan felt that there might still be a way to turn things around.

That's right. People always had hope. She could accept a temporary departure. There was nothing she couldn't accept. She had long planned for this day.