You little girl

Bang! The door was slammed heavily.

Zhong Huai's eyes flashed.

You don't deserve to like her.

That's right, he didn't even deserve to like her.

When the door closed, his legs went soft and he half-knelt on the ground. Mrs. Zhong was so scared that tears came out. She quickly reached out to press the call bell and she said in a panic, " "Zhong Huai, how are you? Don't scare mom, we'll expose this matter. He's the director's son, so he can't use violence on people for no reason."

mom, I did something wrong. It's only right for me to be beaten. If you tell anyone about this, I'm finished. Do you understand? "

"What did you do?" Mrs. Zhong was puzzled.

Zhong Huai sat on the bed weakly and only shook his head. "You don't have to worry about it. I need to rest."

After saying that, he closed his eyes.

That night, Gu Yanzhi gave Zhou Nan a call and said in a gentle voice,"Have you taken your medicine?"

"I've recovered from my cold, so I can eat more now."