Chapter 3149-slightly worried

Pei Yan laughed. Ah, yes, yes. He's my subordinate.

"What are you still standing in front of me for? Get out of the way."

Very fierce, very fierce, simply fiendish.

Although he knew that this was his other personality, Zhou Nan still felt that Yingying was angry and upset.

"I told you to move, didn't you hear me?" Pei Yan pulled her.

This time, it pulled on the wound on her back, and she hissed.

"What happened to her?" Gu Yanzhi asked in a deep voice.

"I'm injured," Pei Yan said.

you're already like this with just a few injuries, " young master Gu sneered. you're really weak.

This personality had a vicious mouth.

Zhou Nan suffered from both internal and external injuries, and he almost vomited blood.

Pei Yan gave her a look, indicating for her to calm down.

Zhou Nan gritted his teeth and endured it.

"Are you going back now?" Pei Yan asked carefully.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?"