Chapter 3153-why are you here?

Gu Nian hurriedly grabbed his hand. it's a misunderstanding. It's all a misunderstanding. It's me, Yueyue. I asked Zhou Nan to go to your room because I wanted him to help me get something.

"What do you want?"

Gu Nian's brain was spinning. I was getting a change of dirty clothes. Mom asked me to get them. You haven't been home for a few days, so I ran.

Gu Yanzhi looked at her as if he was looking at an idiot."Do you think I'm a three-year-old child?"

"Actually, Qianqian is Zhou Nan. She has a crush on you," Gu Nian chuckled.

Zhou Nan:

Gu Yanzhi looked at her with even more disgust, and Zhou Nan's internal injuries worsened.

I'm friends with her, so I decided to help her. She doesn't mean any harm. Brother, don't make things difficult for her.

Gu Yanzhi looked at Zhou Nan indifferently."For the sake of my sister, I'll let you off this time. If there's a next time, I won't let you off so easily."