Have you come up with a new plan?

Doctor Fang did a simple examination on him and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with his body. He just needed to wait for him to wake up.

Zhou Nan sat by the bed and listened to the rain outside the window. He touched his face and told him to wake up.

But so what if he woke up?

She couldn't kiss him again. In fact, she couldn't even do any intimate actions with him. Otherwise, there would be chaos again.

When she was tired, she lay on the bed and slept for a while. She slept all the way until the next morning.

The sun was a little glaring. The moment Zhou Nan opened his eyes, he saw the man on the bed looking at him.

At that moment, her heart skipped a beat. How could Gu Yanzhi be so calm? Don't tell me he ran

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Don't you know how long you've been sleeping?" Zhou Nan asked carefully.