Chapter 3243-ashtray ruined

However, this was all a matter of urgency.

That night, after someone had broken into their office, Gu Yanzhi had met with an accident in the Northwest. After that, they had not had a peaceful time.

Therefore, when the people from the Department of Governmental Affairs suddenly rushed to her door, she was a little dumbfounded.

"What's wrong?"

Ms. Zhou Nan, the institution is carrying out your return to the institution, so we have to do a routine check.

The prosecutor didn't reveal everything, but Zhou Nan was no fool. If he wanted to go back, so be it. How could he even take away her personal computer?

She then recalled that someone had broken into her company at night, and a bad feeling lingered in her heart.

Those people had moved her computer away, and Shang Qiye walked over from the office next door, his eyes full of worry. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Zhou Nan shook his head.

"Will something happen?" Zhou Qi was extremely worried.