We don't belong to any country

Shang han patted her head. don't worry, don't be afraid. Stay in there for a few more days. It's not a big deal. Just lock you up for two days. When the case is closed and the murderer is found, they will let you out.

Even if she really wanted to frame someone else, it would not be enough to warrant criminal responsibility, because she was only the person who found the crime scene, not the murderer.

At the moment, finding the murderer was the most important thing.

Zhou Ying's face suddenly sank. She still had to eat prison food for a period of time. What kind of bad luck did she have?

Why was it that every time he tried to drag Zhou Nan down the river, he would fail?

She was really unwilling to accept this.

"Go back and ask my dad to save me as soon as possible. I really don't want to stay in this damn place for a day longer. The people here are also very scary."