She's mine alone

"What are you so insistent on? I've already put down my pride and imitated him, so why can't I?"

"But you're not him." Zhou Nan lowered his eyes.

"How is he better than me?" Gu Yanzhi angrily hit the wall.

Zhou Nan looked up at him,'have you ever put yourself in my shoes and thought about the problem? Have you ever thought about him?"

He suddenly laughed. you're just afraid that he'll be sad and angry. In fact, you already like me a little, don't you? "

Zhou Nan panicked. He wanted to punch the man in the face, but the man caught him.

"That's exactly what you're thinking. Are you angry from embarrassment?"

Zhou Nan was furious. He raised his other hand, but it was still held down by him.

"Let me go."

"Who are you asking to let you go? Just call me by my name."

"I told you to let me go!" Zhou Nan gritted his teeth.