You're lying

no, I'm his friend. Please help me pass the message that my name is Xing na.

"I'm sorry, but we can't help you pass the message if you don't have an appointment," the receptionist said with a smile.

Nana picked up her phone, turned around, and rolled her eyes. She wanted to call Lin Yuan personally and get him to pick her up. She wanted to give these snobbish people a good slap in the face.

She dialed the number, but it was an unfamiliar voice. I'm sorry, our Sir is in a meeting and can't answer the phone. If there's anything, please let me know and I'll pass the message to him later.

Nana felt a little strange. Lin Yuan might be rich, but he was only the special Assistant of the master's science Group. Why did he seem like a big Boss?

The face-smacking scene did not happen. She was a little dejected and said in a low voice, " "Just say I'm Nana and I'll wait for him downstairs."

"Alright," he said.