That's a good idea

"You're not going?"

yes, I really can't go. I still have things to do. I can't waste all my energy on the company day and night, right? "

"Mm, you're right." Shang Qi Ye nodded.

Lin Yuan, who was following behind, thought to himself,'in Sir's eyes, whatever Zhou Nan says is right.'

then, Lin Yuan, cancel the gathering and leave Zhou Nan's office after you are done.

Lin Yuan took out a document and a bunch of keys before placing them on Zhou Nan's office table.

"What's this?" Zhou Nan raised his eyebrows.

"These are for you from President Shang. One of them is about the ownership transfer of the shuoke group's shares, and the other is a villa in Shanhu Bay. The environment of the community is very good, with mountains and lakes. It's also close to our company, so you should like it. Also, if you have time, you can let me know, and I'll take you to Sir's garage to have a look."

Zhou Nan was stunned, this Shang Qi Ye was too generous.