No freedom at the Research Institute of the Academy

"Captain Liu, Special Assistant Lin is injured. Let's take him to the hospital first and then detain him," Gu Yanzhi said in a cold voice.

"Yes, young master."

Zhou Nan was brought to a base under the desert of a country by Shang Qiye. She was trapped there for a long time and thought of many ways. Finally, she found a breakthrough from a servant and secretly hid a small piece of porcelain bowl fragments.

After dinner, she held the small piece of porcelain in her hand and said to LAN, " "Call your boss over, I have something to say to him.“

Shang Qiye could be said to listen to Zhou Nanyan's every command, coming and going at his beck and call.

As soon as Zhou Nan said that he wanted to see him, he immediately put down everything he was doing and went to her room.

"What's wrong? Do you have something to discuss with me regarding the research and development?"

"Yes," Zhou Nan nodded.