At the Very Least, You Call Me Your Third Uncle

Qin Mu quickly sobered up from the beauty of the man.

She bit her pink lips and said softly, "Third Uncle, the doctor has seen my injured wrist, so I can go home now, right?"

The little girl in front of him blinked her glimmering eyes. When she was not lying, she was quite lovable.

The man extinguished the cigarette flame and threw it into an ashtray. Looking slanted, he said, "I'll send you home!"


Qin Mu was shocked. Her eyes widened even more, and they were watery and lively.

Yan Lishu, who had taken two steps forward, suddenly turned around and said in a low voice. "It's not safe for you to go back in the middle of the night. I will send you!"

He always spoke in a tone that did not allow room for rejection.

"…You don't have to!" Qin Mu refused to step forward, and she frowned slightly.

This man is too much of a busybody.

He clearly knew that he could just leave after picking her up from the police station, yet he insisted on taking her to the hospital to suffer, and now he even wanted to send her home.

It was already four o'clock in the morning. If Qin Zezhang knew that she was outside and that she even got sent to the police station for getting into a fight, she would probably be grounded for days.

Qin Mu shook her head. "Third Uncle, I have troubled you for so long. How could I let you drive me home!"

She continued. "What's more, I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm an adult now. I know the way home!"

The young lady spoke, and her eyebrows moved. Her expressions were really lively.

Qin Mu's current expressions were like those of Yan Xun's. Why wouldn't Yan Lishu know what she was thinking?

She is going home at such a late time. She must be afraid of being scolded by her parents.

A smile suddenly crept onto Yan Lishu's face. "Since you have already troubled me for so long, a ride home wouldn't take much time."

Qin Mu's mouth was almost going dry from all the talking, yet this old man still refused to listen.

Her energy was too drained to continue talking. She sulked and thought of speaking some more…

Then, the man spoke again. "After all, you call me Third Uncle at the very least. As your elder, it is only right of me to have some sense of responsibility."

In other words, he had to send her home. That's it.


Not only did he take advantage of her, but he did not even want to give her some peace!

She was so angry that her round eyes widened. She must have been blind just now to think that this man was some kind of beautiful scenery.

In the car…

Qin Mu sat by the side obediently and shut her eyes to pretend to be asleep.

Yan Lishu looked at his wristwatch and then turned his head to look at the silent figure of the young lady.

The corner of his lips perked up. He met her twice. Each time, she spoke a lot. It was rare to see her being so quiet.

Qin Mu's hair was a little long, and they were up to her shoulders in a messy manner.

A few strands of long hair covered her face. Yan Lishu slanted over and used his finger to pull a lock of her hair back.

Yan Lishu had a nice scent. Together with a strong sense of testosterone, the scent gushed at her strongly.

Damn, why did this guy get so close to me?

He can't be trying to get what he couldn't just now, could he? Making a move when I'm sleeping?

Wow, what a gangster. Beast. Bastard.

I knew that he wasn't a nice man.

What should I do? Should I continue pretending to be asleep or wake up immediately to punch Yan Lishu on the face?

Brain loading… How anxious!

Her fists that were hidden under her big sleeves were clenched tightly. If this old man tries to lay a finger on me, don't blame me for not being nice!