Perhaps Yan Lishu is A Little Old

Song Ruoci made noises of shock and excitement. Then, she hollered around Qin Mu's ears.

Qin Mu caught the words 'Yan Lishu' from her mouth, and she looked at her screen expressionlessly.

It was some movie festival. They were showing a live-stream of the celebrities strutting down the red carpet.

Yan Lishu was probably there as the ending act. His posture was so upright, and he was in a black tuxedo. He was exceptionally eye-catching.

The moment he got out of the car, the fans there were screaming for him.

Following closely behind Yan Lishu, a pair of red high heels appeared on screen.

When the person wearing the red heels appeared in front of the cameras, everyone sighed.

Although this lady was not a celebrity, her popularity was a match to stars.

She was the female director who got famous instantly after filming some ridiculous youth drama movie. Her name was Shen Ruiqing.

Yan Lishu seldom appeared in public, but he had a lot of fans, especially female fans.

The amount of screams he got would not lose out to those of Chu Chen previously. The camera swept across Yan Lishu's handsome and solemn face and then shifted to the cheering red faces of the female fans by the side.

Shen Ruiqing's appearance shocked everyone.

No matter what rumors there were, Yan Lishu never got into scandals with women. Was it a lie that he had once blocked a lady who touched him?

Shen Ruiqing locked her arms around Yan Lishu affectionately, and they walked down the red carpet together. The cameras flashed continuously.

Yan Lishu is a businessman. Why is he here at a film festival for celebrities?

Qin Mu tsked. What film festival? He must be there to flirt with the ladies.

She held her chin. "This Shen Ruiqing is rather pretty!"

"Indeed, she's not bad. But I feel that when she stands with Yan Lishu, they just aren't a good match!" Song Ruoci commented.

"Pfft!" Qin Mu laughed. "Yeah, perhaps Yan Lishu's a little too old!"

Qin Mu was multitasking between watching the live-stream and gaming.

At the end of the red carpet, there were two emcees.

When they were interviewing, Qin Mu was totally disinterested in Shen Ruiqing's productions.

She was just a little of a busybody. What exactly was the relationship between Shen Ruiqing and Yan Lishu!

There were a lot of busybody reporters like her there who were fighting to ask, "Miss Shen, what is your relationship with Mr. Yan?"

Yan Lishu looked too aloof. The reporters did not dare to ask him anything, so they could only smile and attack Shen Ruiqing.

Shen Ruiqing smiled and turned her head to look at the man beside him. Her red lips widened a little. "Mr. Yan, it's a question for you. What are we!"

Although Shen Ruiqing called Yan Lishu 'Mr. Yan', anyone with an intelligent mind could tell that Shen Ruiqing's tone was really affectionate.

The two of them were most likely a couple.

Perhaps today, they might be taking advantage of the attention that Shen Ruiqing would be getting for winning the award to announce their relationship.

Yet, to everyone's disappointment, Yan Lishu answered coldly. "Friends!"

The words that came out of Yan Lishu's mouth were only words that he wanted to say. No one could make him say anything.

The word 'friends' made all the reporters on the scene really disappointed.

Song Ruoci tugged at her. "How could they be friends? Look at the way Shen Ruiqing stares at him. There is some kind of sweet romance."

Qin Mu could not be bothered. She killed two people in her game successfully.

A reporter who was not afraid of death asked bravely, "Mr. Yan, it is said that you have an illegitimate daughter who is a teen. Is this true?"


Qin Mu's hand shivered. She was previously engrossed in the game, but she could not hold in her laughter.