Is That Outfit On Young Master Mu… A Work of Xing Chen’s?

"My favorite designer is the one whose model appeared second last, Miss Wu Lingshan.

"Her design is graceful and elegant, and it incorporates many retro elements. Be it the fabric used, the embroidery, or the craftsmanship, all these aspects are no doubt first-class. One can see the designer's effort from the final product. This kind of craftsmanship is exactly what young designers nowadays lack."

A male designer in his forties was the first to voice his comments.

A lot of the other judges on the panel also nodded with him.

"Not bad. Wu Lingshan's design is indeed very charming. The integration between various elements is excellent."

"The embroidery on this gown requires a good few days work of at least four to five embroidery workers. Its standard is comparable to or, one might even claim that it might surpass that of a typical customization of a high-end outfit!"