A Good Omen

Fresh flowers dazzled within a quiet yard, of which a blue-green man-made lake stood right in the center. Koi fish swam leisurely within the lake, causing gentle ripples across the water which reflected the mountains and trees in the surroundings.

A group of young ladies, all looking very different but each beautiful in their own way, were gathered and playing in an octagonal pavilion beside the lake.

"Sister Zihou, look. This is the Seventh Prince's favorite jade piece. Do you want it?" A young girl clad in a floaty yellow silk dress waved an exquisite piece of white jade in front of her friend. A wicked smile spread across her carefully made-up face and her sparkling eyes shone with obvious smugness and scorn.

However, her young friend before her was totally oblivious to her attitude.

"Really? Is this really Brother Xuan's favorite jade piece? That's great! Sister Kexin, won't you give it to me?" Zihou's makeup was rather garish and she gaped with bright red lips, as her eyes lit up with excitement and delight. She clasped her fair hands in front of her chest and stared reverently at the jade piece as if the item was a legendary treasure!

Zhen Kexin felt even more contempt on seeing Zihou's reaction, but she didn't show it. Instead, she smiled even more radiantly.

"I know you like this jade piece, but Seventh Prince gave it to me. I…" Zhen Kexin put on a great show of reluctance.

"What should we do then? Sister Kexin, you must give it to me!" Zihou's face instantly fell the moment she noticed Zhen Kexin's reluctance. She frowned deeply and her voice turned shrill.

The rest of the noble ladies all quietly observed Zihou's actions. None of them showed any expression, but they were likewise filled with scorn and mockery for her.

"Sister Zihou, there is no free lunch in this world. Shouldn't you offer something in return if you want Sister Kexin's jade?" A seductive voice drifted over. It came from a lovely lady dressed in pale pink.

The lady had perfect features and a wonderful figure. Her flawless skin shimmered under the sunlight like a ripe peach. She was indeed a rare beauty! However, the tilt of her slanted eyes was slightly too high and her pupils flashed with craftiness, giving her a devious look.

"Really? Will Sister Kexin give me the jade piece if I give her something similar in return?" Zihou's face filled with hope.

With that, she started rummaging about herself in a clumsy manner.

"This gold hairpin… this bangle… and this earring. All for you. Give me that jade piece!" Zihou basically took off all the jewelry she had on her body and pushed it eagerly toward Zhen Kexin.

Zihou was dressed up very ostentatiously. Apart from her flowery, red dress, she also had on all sorts of jewelry.

With all the trinkets gathered in her arms, it looked like a little mountain of treasures!

The mockery in Zhen Kexin's eyes deepened as she gazed at the pile of jewelry. It might have been a substantial pile, but she was from the Prime Minister's estate—she had more than enough such jewelry of her own. Zihou must be dreaming if she thought she could exchange for Brother Xuan's jade piece with such cheap items.

The lady in pink glanced at the trinkets in Zihou's arms, before exchanging a quick look with Zhen Kexin. Some tacit understanding flowed between the two of them.

"Sister Zihou, you must show some sincerity in an exchange of gifts. The Prime Minister's estate has no lack of such jewelry. You need to offer something else!" The eyes of the lady in pink glinted ambiguously.

"Really?" Zihou's face was full of disappointment again. "Then what does Sister Kexin want?"

"Kexin, didn't you say earlier that you liked a lotus flower in the center of the lake? That flower looks as pure as the moon, unsullied by any dirt. I like it very much too!" Someone else piped up.

The owner of that voice was sitting by the lake, dressed in a light green dress with golden embroidery across the top. She was elegantly lovely, with her jet-black hair swept back on one side and left dangling down by her ear on the other side.

Her features were a bit more exquisite than Zhen Kexin's, with a gracious smile and dark, profound eyes.

She pointed one slender finger and the whole group turned toward the lake.

As she said, there was a pure-white lotus flower nestled within a fan of luscious green leaves right in the center of the lake. The saintly white color of the flower made it look as virtuous and untouchable as an honorable deity.

Everyone couldn't help but be attracted by the sight of that lotus flower. They momentarily forgot all about Zihou.

But a sudden splashing sound snapped them out of their reverie.

Zihou had disappeared from the pavilion, while a figure waded across the lake waters.

"My goodness, she really jumped in!"

"Is she crazy?"

"Does she wish to die? She's really a fool!"


Several girls had jumped up in fright and ran toward the lake. One by one, they pointed and gasped at the bobbing figure in the lake, all deeply shocked.

Zhen Kexin and the rest were also shocked by Zihou's impulsive actions. Nevertheless, they quickly recovered their senses and the shock in their eyes was replaced by cruel ridicule.


That figure in the middle of the lake was suddenly not swimming forward anymore but was floundering on the spot.

"Ah, she's in trouble. Quickly save her!" Someone shrieked out in panic as she tried to call for help.

"How to save her. I can't swim myself!"

"I can't either!"


Zihou continued to struggle in the lake, her hair in complete disarray as if she were a water ghost. She waved her hands frantically, trying to reach out and grab hold of something to save herself. But no matter how she shouted or struggled, it was obvious that no one was going to save her.

Very soon, she was no longer struggling. Apart from a few air bubbles, the surface of the lake was once again calm and placid.

An eerie quiet had descended across the formerly noisy pavilion.

The faces gazing toward the quiet waters… some had frightened expressions, some were filled with regret, while some were subtly gleeful…

Zhen Kexin's vicious eyes swept across the tranquil lake. She smirked and said in a low voice, "Foolish trash. Are you even good enough to covet Brother Xuan?"

She looked away and turned toward the lady in green. The two of them exchanged faint smiles.

At that point, a purplish aura blew across the clear skies from the east. The aura was a formidable force, but at the same time sheer and shapeless, nearly invisible.

A purple aura blowing from the east was a good omen. Or was it the beginning of a major change in destiny?