Genius Brother

In the middle of Mu Xuan Court was a massive rose bush where pure, white roses were blooming. Fallen petals fluttered in the wind, swirling around like dancing butterflies.

A white figure sat lackadaisical on a stone stool under the rose bush. She held a pale yellow, ancient-looking book in her hands and would flip a page now and then.

Zihou had a book in one hand while propping up her chin with the other. Her brows were furrowed, sometimes ruefully, sometimes thoughtfully. It was as if she was completely immersed in the contents of the book.

The past few days, she had been reading some books from the library of the General's estate, so as to understand this world a bit better. After all, if she wanted to survive in this strange world, the least she could do was to first gain some knowledge. And the former Zihou had such a pitiful understanding of this world. Her mind was filled with nothing but thoughts of the Seventh Prince and all that concerned him. So, she had no choice but to seek out more information from the books.

After spending the past few days reading, she did understand quite a bit more.

She was now living in a world called Vast Lands. Over here, martial arts was king, and one's skills in it determined one's fate. The Vast Lands was divided into four states: Western Chu, Southern Yun, Northern Cang, and Eastern Lin. Within these states were the various martial art sects, and the heads of the most powerful sects held even more power than the royal house. There were countless martial arts practitioners here, but the most formidable were the aura cultivators. However, talent was necessary to cultivate auras and not just anyone could do it. Most people were only able to cultivate their physical strength.

Aura cultivators were ranked in order of ascending power: red aura, green aura, blue aura, purple aura, and black aura. In fact, black aura cultivators only existed in legends.

These books were not uniform in their content and contained some disparities. For example, she had read in some of the older books that beyond the far northern regions of the Vast Lands, behind the Endless Mountain Range, was the legendary Faraway Shrine. It was a wide-spanning and seemingly boundless area, filled with deep valleys, high plains, swamps, danger spots, as well as all sorts of mythical Spirit Beasts and rare herbs. Not only that, but there were also countless strong practitioners there, and it was the true heaven for cultivators. However, most of the books had no record of this place at all, and she was not sure whether this place truly existed.

The gentle breeze stirred the fallen petals, which swirled around that head of ink-black hair. That quiet, pondering figure, as pristine as the moon, made up a scene that was lovely beyond description.

Nearby, a young servant girl who had been sent to call Zihou was dazed by the scene and momentarily forgot what she was supposed to do.

"Is it time for lunch already?" Feeling Ya-er's approach, Zihou looked away from her book and slowly turned around.

For a moment, it was as if time had stopped and had forgotten to flow, while the sun felt so insignificant before this beautiful scene that it dimmed.

It was a face that could launch a thousand ships.

Flawless dark brows, plump red lips, sparkling eyes. She had such a fresh, vibrant air about her, enough to stop the world in its tracks!

Devoid of any makeup, her features were as pristine as the autumn moon, as fresh as spring blossoms—pure and clean. Meanwhile, her silky jet-black hair swept carelessly across her face to caress her tender red lips. The contrast between the red and black gave off an allure that captivated one's soul.

Although Ya-er had seen this many times, she was still intoxicated by the sight. She finally snapped out of her trance when Zihou waved the book in front of her face. Ya-er blushed and lowered her head. "Ah? What?"

"I asked, is it time for lunch already?" Zihou rolled her eyes, feeling very impatient with this girl. Although she herself had been astounded by her own gorgeous face the first time she laid eyes on it, there was no reason for Ya-er to be so stunned every time she saw her, right?

"Yes, yes…" Ya-er quickly replied.

She felt rather confused. Why did it feel like Young Mistress had undergone a significant change over the past few days? Every time she saw her now, she would fall into a daze as if her soul had been snatched. It was clearly a face that she had seen dozens of times before. But somehow, it now looked many times more beautiful!

"Alright, let's go then." Zihou put down her book and rose. She thought that her looks were too extraordinary. Although her grandfather, father, and mother were all good-looking people, her own beauty was a bit over-the-top?

Nevertheless, Zihou didn't spend too much time mulling over this.

"Ya-er, how is Brother Ziyu?" After lunch, Zihou suddenly realized that it had been several days since her rebirth, but she had not yet seen her big brother. In fact, she didn't have much of an impression of him.

The vague impression she had of her brother Wei Ziyu was of an exceptionally talented and handsome young man. He began studying military strategies from a young age and was a rare genius in cultivation. Such an extraordinary man should have left a deep impression on her? But somehow, she didn't even have a clear image of this big brother of hers.

Those few pathetic memories she had of his face felt like they had been mosaic-ed. Was this really her true brother by blood?

"Sigh." At the mention of Wei Ziyu, a conflicted expression appeared on Ya-er's youthful face as she sighed. "Young Master is still the same. Since his inability to walk after his serious injury, he has kept himself hidden inside his own room. It has been five years since he last came out!" Ya-er couldn't help feeling a heavy regret. Young Master had been such a brilliant person, as dazzling as the sun in the sky. His current state was a true pity and made her heart ache.

Zihou widened her eyes in shock. "You are saying that Brother Ziyu's legs are paralyzed and he cannot walk?" It was no wonder Zihou was shocked, as, in her memories, Wei Ziyu only suffered minor injuries and was recuperating back at their estate. It was just that he remained within the estate even after he had recovered.

"Yes, Young Mistress, didn't you know?" Ya-er nodded, feeling very puzzled. It was such a major incident that Young Mistress should have known of it…


The corners of Zihou's lips twitched, expressing her absolute disdain for the former occupant of her body. Such a major crisis had happened to her own brother and she had no idea. It had been several years since, but she failed to show the slightest bit of concern for her brother. She must have been dropped on her head when she was a baby!

Shaking her head in resignation, Zihou stood up with the resolution that she must start making things right from now on. "Let's go over to visit my big brother, then."