A Sorrowful and Preposterous Love Story

"Everyone thinks that Seventh Prince is charming and gracious, but in reality, he is lascivious and despicable. He is just a big, lecherous wolf in a gentleman's disguise!" Zihou put down her teacup as her expression turned completely serious. Everyone else sat straight up.

"How dare you!" Chu Yixuan's face had gone utterly black.

"You are spouting nonsense and slandering my reputation. Guards…"

"Is Seventh Prince afraid that I will expose you and let others know your dark side?" Zihou was totally calm as she interrupted Chu Yixuan with a smirk.

"Can that be true? Is Seventh Prince really such a person?"

"Hard to say. There is no smoke without fire. How much do we really know about the royal house?"

"You know what they say: a straight posture is not afraid of a crooked shadow. If Seventh Prince is truly a morally upright man, he will not fear anything this lady claims!"


The crowd fell into a heated discussion. There were many differing views, but there was no doubt Chu Yixuan was the focus of their gossiping.

What did members of the royal household regard with utmost importance? Face and dignity, of course. Even if she couldn't completely destroy Chu Yixuan's reputation today, she must at least make him suffer some disgrace.

Let him have a taste of what it was like to have others disdain you!

"Seventh Prince often goes in and out of vice dens… but I guess I won't talk about that." Zihou gave a meaningful smirk.

There were some things which actually wouldn't mean much if explained clearly, but Zihou's vague statement had everyone imagining the worse. The image of Seventh Prince entering a brothel was now firmly lodged in everyone's minds.

"Wei Zihou of the Martyr General's estate might be a foolish, lovestruck girl, but her love for you was true. Unfortunately, Seventh Prince is a superficial person and was completely disgusted by her admiration, to the point that you scorned and ridiculed her. Seventh Prince, how does this gel with your honorable reputation?" Zihou spoke in a clear and resolute manner, her every word leaving a deep impression upon the hearts of the crowd.

Chu Yixuan's face was now as black as ink. His brows were tightly furrowed and his chest heaved vigorously. He was obviously going to blow up in rage anytime now.

Zihou's words had everyone reflecting on themselves.

Most of them had heard of Wei Zihou. She was a silly, useless idiot of a girl. Lovestruck, idiot, useless, foolish—these were all terms that had been used to describe Wei Zihou. In the past, everyone felt nothing but scorn for her. But on second thought, she was not without her good points. Although she was a silly lovestruck girl, she had a pure heart. Instead, it was this dashing Seventh Prince who had not behaved graciously.

She was just a young woman. Even though she was foolish and weak, she still had the freedom to love and admire whoever she wanted. Even if Chu Yixuan didn't like her back, he still shouldn't have behaved so badly toward her!

He truly did not deserve the compliment of being a perfect gentleman.

Zihou was very pleased with the reaction of the crowd. Her cold sneer faded to be replaced by a radiant smile, like blooming flowers after the rain. "I have a bosom friend who used to love Seventh Prince deeply. She thought about him all day long. Who knew that one day, she came crying to me that she and Seventh Prince had amorous relations. Before that, he had promised her the stars and the heavens and that he would marry her. But after the deed, his attitude toward her underwent a complete change. He cast her aside and now totally ignores her!"

Right… what bosom friend? She made it up.

As expected, this sorrowful and preposterous love story drove the current atmosphere into yet another peak. The initially doubtful crowd was starting to believe in Zihou's words. They finally understood why she chose to expose Seventh Prince's nefarious ways today.

They were thinking this: A bosom friendship went deep—when one's close friend got betrayed and the offender went scot-free, it was natural for one to seek justice for one's friend. As a result, this young lady bravely stepped out in public to expose this fraudulent and heartless lecher!

"So I see! It's really unexpected… never knew Seventh Prince is such a person…"

"I was truly blind. And I previously thought Seventh Prince would be a good role model for all young men!"

"One should never judge a book by its cover…"


As a result, their generation's perfect Prince Charming, the gentlemanly and gracious Chu Yixuan, had now been degraded to the status of a sewer rat, to be reviled by all!

Chu Yixuan never imagined that his one moment of lechery, his one fleeting desire to pick up this lovely girl, would end up with him being cursed and jeered at by everyone.

If he had another chance to do things over, there was no way he would have come down to pick this girl up!

Meanwhile, Jiang Mo was completely dumbstruck by the scene before him. Never in his wildest dreams would he imagine the irresistible Chu Yixuan would get rejected by a woman and end up being played into such a wretched state, to be jeered by the public.

Sharp admonishments and scornful remarks rose like tidewaters, nearly drowning Chu Yixuan. Since a young age, he had been highly respected and admired by all, but now…

"B*tch! You're asking for it!" Chu Yixuan finally couldn't hold back his simmering rage. Without a care for his perfect image cultivated so meticulously over so many years, he hollered like a wild beast. With bloodshot eyes, he raised his fists and charged toward Zihou.

Zihou sneered inwardly at Chu Yixuan's reaction. He had reached his tolerance level so easily. She truly had no idea what was so great about this Chu Yixuan?

Passable looks, mediocre intelligence, bad temper, lecherous and despicable. How could so many people admire such a guy? They must all be blind!

"Why, is Seventh Prince so embarrassed at the truth that he wishes to kill off the witness?" Zihou had chosen her words carefully. Everyone now felt that this Chu Yixuan's character was exactly as she had claimed.

"Yixuan, stop it!" Jiang Mo dashed over to stop Chu Yixuan. He was in utter shock. If Chu Yixuan really hit this woman, his reputation would really go down the drain.

As Jiang Mo pushed down Chu Yixuan's fists, he was jolted by the sight of the wicked smile plastered across Zihou's calm face. This woman was too scary. He was totally unable to see through her intentions.

"Jiang Mo, let go of me. I must kill this woman today!" Chu Yixuan was already overcome by his rage and bloodlust. He could not call himself a man if he didn't kill this woman today!

"Wei Jiu, Ji An!" Chu Yixuan called out in frustration as Jiang Mo prevented him from attacking. Jiang Mo was no weakling. Although his abilities were slightly below that of Chu Yixuan's, he was giving his all to hold Seventh Prince back.

"My Prince."

Two black figures appeared by Chu Yixuan's side and knelt respectfully on the floor. The two of them seemed to have materialized out of thin air.

Zihou raised one brow and surveyed the two masked men. She realized that they must be Chu Yixuan's personal bodyguards.

Both of them were armed with black swords and emanated thick, menacing energy that made one's hair stand on end. It felt as if they possessed unfathomable abilities.

"Kill her for me!" Chu Yixuan looked at the two guards kneeling on the ground with a cruel smile. At his vicious command, the two guards immediately drew their swords and turned toward Zihou.

Zihou's narrowed her eyes as her countenance turned chilly. A deadly air hung about her.

"My goodness, they are purple aura Level 6 practitioners!"

At that exclamation, everyone turned to see that those two men were actually radiating with a dense purple light. It was dazzling.

"They are both purple aura Level 6 practitioners!"

The crowd was completely thunderstruck. Aura cultivators were split into five: red aura, green aura, blue aura, purple aura, and black aura. And each aura could be further split into nine levels. Black auras only existed in legends, and none could be found in Western Chu. Meanwhile, purple auras could be found in Western Chu but were very rare. As a result, it was an extraordinary sight to see two purple aura Level 6 practitioners.

Purple aura Level 6?

Zihou's heart skipped a beat. Although she was not very familiar with aura cultivation, she knew how rare it was to see two purple aura Level 6 cultivators.

Alarm bells rang inside her head and she rapidly tried to think of a way to get out of this situation. Nevertheless, she maintained a calm and composed exterior, betraying none of her racing inner thoughts or her fear.

She had been called Assassin Queen in her previous life. In addition to her miraculous medical abilities, she also possessed the quiet, deadly skills of an assassin. But she had no idea how she would fare against these two purple aura Level 6 practitioners. Zihou's eyes flashed as she fingered the packet of poison powder she had hidden in her sleeve. If all else failed, she would scatter the powder and flee.

"Stop it!" Just as the crowd felt that Zihou was dead-meat, and she was already planning her escape—a booming voice rang through the air, so loud and thunderous that the crowd cringed as the sound resonated painfully in their eardrums.