You Don't Need to Cry Just Because You Don't Know How to Cultivate!

The night sky was like a piece of dark, smooth velvet with countless stars scattered across.

One edge of the crescent moon appeared to be just touching the corner of the roof as if one could just reach up and touch the glowing curve.

Light from the luminous moon and the twinkling stars cast across the lands, giving it a pristine sheen.

Zihou was sitting on a thick tree branch in the large rosebush in Mu Xuan Court. She lifted her head to gaze at the bright moon.

She had originally thought the phrase "the moon always looks most beautiful when viewed from home" was just a sentimental saying, and that she would never experience something like that. Nevertheless, as she gazed upon this crescent moon tonight, she had a strange feeling that this moon was not as bright and lovely as that back in her former life.

Seeing an object made one miss its owner, seeing the moon made one miss their home. Actually, Zihou did not have many feelings toward her old home. That world no longer had Mo Jun inside, and everything else was just one cold, black hole to her, with not the slightest shred of warmth left.

Mo Jun, where are you now?

Could you have also transmigrated to this world like me, or did you end up in some other world? Nevertheless, no matter where you are now, you must live on. I believe that we will meet again, should fate allow it. By then, we will once again fight side by side together!

Her past memories flashed across her mind like a movie reel. All their ups and downs, turbulent and peaceful times—she would treasure every memory like a precious jewel!

Her face grew warm as tears fogged up her vision. The image of that crescent moon grew increasingly blur.

Under the clear moonlight and light breeze, the sight of that slender figure nestled among the branches of the rosebush looked undeniably lonely. It was as if it embodied all the feelings of loneliness in this world.

"Girl, you don't need to cry even if you don't know how to cultivate!" A tender voice sounded out, snapping Zihou out from her lonely trip down memory lane.

"You are just unable to cultivate, right? It's no big deal! Grandfather will protect you in the future. The General's estate will protect you. See who will dare bully my precious granddaughter!" Wei Guoting's tall, imposing figure leaped onto the tree branch, and he gave Zihou a gentle hug. His tone was exceptionally forceful.


Zihou was totally perplexed.

Who could tell her what was going on? She was just feeling a bit nostalgic at the thought of her good friend Mo Jun and their times together.

Why would she be crying over the fact that she didn't know how to cultivate auras?

The imagination of this old man was a bit too far-fetched!

Nevertheless, Zihou was still very moved by his concern. Being loved and cared for in this life made her feel very blissful indeed.

"Grandfather, don't worry, I will never cry again!" Yes, she would never cry again. She would become stronger and more powerful, so powerful that she would be able to protect anyone she wanted with her two bare hands!

"Haha, good good. How can my granddaughter weep so easily!" Wei Guoting patted Zihou's head with his large hands as he gave her a comforting smile.

One elderly, one youth. Grandfather and granddaughter. Sitting side by side on a branch in a rosebush, gazing at the moon in companionable silence.

This image was full of warm bliss. Even many years later, after Wei Guoting was no longer around, she would still clearly remember there was once this old man who had offered her his deepest love and concern during her darkest moment after arriving at this other world.

"Young Mistress, someone from Young Master's side has asked for you to go over and take a look at him." Ya-er's panicky voice interrupted the cozy scene.

"What happened?" Zihou immediately jumped off from the branch.

"It seems like there's something wrong with Young Master's leg," Ya-er reported anxiously.

Wei Guoting exchanged a look with Zihou before also jumping off the tree branch. Both of them hurried over to Flying Winds Court.

"Brother, what happened?" Zihou already called out before she even stepped into the building. Wei Guoting followed close behind with a grave expression. He was very worried that something bad might have happened to Wei Ziyu's leg.

Wei Ziyu sat in a wheelchair, dressed in a pure, white robe. His jet-black hair shone silver under the moonlight.

"Sister, you are here!" Wei Ziyu turned around on hearing Zihou's voice. His usually placid expression was replaced by one of excitement.

"Grandfather." Wei Ziyu also greeted Wei Guoting on seeing him hurry over.

"Did something bad happen to your leg?" Zihou asked uneasily. But on seeing the excitement in Wei Ziyu's eyes, she immediately understood what happened.

"No, it's just that after I soaked in the medicinal bath, I realized my leg was a bit itchy. I wonder…" Although the itch was very mild, it made his mind wander…

However, he did not dare to overthink it. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"Really?" Zihou widened her eyes in astonishment.

She thought Wei Ziyu would have to soak his leg in the medicinal bath for at least half a month before seeing any effects. She never expected to see some results within just a few days.

"Brother, congratulations. This is great news! Feeling itchy means your legs are regaining life. I thought it would have taken at least half a month of soaking. I never expected to see results so quickly." Zihou was delighted. She now had even more confidence in Wei Ziyu's recovery.

Others in the estate were alerted to the commotion, and Wei Shirong and his wife hurried over after getting wind of the news. They were full of worries for their son's legs.

However, as they overheard Zihou's words the moment they arrived at the front door, their worries were instantly replaced by joy.

"Hubby, did you hear that? There is hope for our child's leg!" Zhao Xinrou was so overwhelmed with happiness that she cupped her mouth as she started crying.

Even Wei Shirong and Wei Guoting—these two hard-as-nails men—had gotten all teary-eyed. They had spent so many years being anxious and heartbroken over Wei Ziyu's legs that their hair had gone white. Just as their hopes were nearly extinguished, their dream was finally coming true. How could they not feel moved?

"Girl, we are truly grateful to you!" Wei Guoting expressed his gratitude as he entered the room.

"Grandfather, no need to be so formal. Aren't we all one family?" Zihou pretended to grumble on hearing Wei Guoting's voice.

A complex look flashed across Wei Guoting's face. After a brief silence, he gave one of his rare smiles. "It's all my fault. I apologize to you, alright?" The old man even put on a coquettish expression, taking this opportunity to tease his granddaughter.

Zihou rolled her eyes, immediately feeling uneasy all over.

Who could stand seeing an old man behave in a coquettish manner?

"Brother, take off your shoes and socks and I will use acupuncture to check on the current condition of your legs." Although Wei Ziyu's legs now had some nerve reaction, Zihou was not fully assured of his progress. She wanted to make use of acupuncture to gain further insight into the state of his recovery.

"Tell me if you feel any pain."

Zihou took out the silver needles which she carried around with her at all times. She then inserted needles into all the main acupuncture points in Ziyu's body.

However, after Zihou finished placing all the needles, Wei Ziyu appeared to have no reaction at all. She slowly retrieved the needles, a grave look on her face…

"Brother, how did you actually injure your legs?" Zihou kept her needles and looked solemnly at Wei Ziyu as she asked in a low and grave tone.

On seeing Zihou's somber face, Wei Guoting and the rest seemed to have realized something, and their expressions also grew dark.