A Moronic Lady Appears

Following the sounds of horse hoof's clatter, the street exploded into a piercing noise of shouting and scolding.

Chang An Street was in a mess all of a sudden.

"Ah, my child!" A desolate scream from a lady was especially piercing.

Zihou halted in her footsteps upon hearing those sounds and turned around.

However, what she saw was a luxurious horse carriage led by two white steeds rushing over. The shadow of the white horses was like a ray of light. The people on the streets fearfully dodged to the sides to avoid a collision with the carriage. What made people truly fearful, however, was a young, innocent boy running towards the middle of Chang An Street, not too far away from the carriage.

The gentleman on the carriage clearly saw the boy. Yet, he revealed no signs of stopping.

A stark contrast formed between the poor, small boy in the middle of the street and the luxurious carriage led by the majestic horses. The carriage was like a large beast that was about to consume the boy, rendering him to nothingness.

At that moment, Zihou looked bloodthirsty with a cold look in her eyes and a scary expression on her face.

Everyone on the streets immediately felt as if the boy was going to die, and even his own mother lost all hope. Yet, right before the carriage ran him over, he disappeared from that spot.

Without considering what happened, the horses which were running at full speed originally came to a halt suddenly, raising their front hooves and neighing, before falling over on their sides.

Due to the impact caused by the horses falling over, the carriage toppled onto its side as well. The luxurious carriage now looked ragged.

"Who dared to topple my carriage? Are you looking to die?" Following the sharp voice, a lady dressed in yellow stepped out of the tattered carriage.

Zhen Kexin smoothed out her messy hair and, looking at the tears on her new, long dress, she flared up. "Feng Yong, do you even know how to maneuver? Even if someone tried to stop our carriage, why don't you just knock him down? Look at what you've done to me!"

Such a ruthless and capricious attitude made everyone around scorn at her. However, it was obvious that she wasn't someone they could mess with, so they kept quiet even though they felt angry.

"Sister Kexin, you can't blame me. I had already ignored the child blocking the road earlier, but I have no idea why the carriage toppled." Feng Yong felt extremely angered after being scolded by Zhen Kexin.

He secretly swore that he would make the life of whoever toppled the carriage extremely difficult!

"Who is it? Who dared to touch my carriage, come out now!" Feng Yong's face darkened, and he shouted everywhere.

"It's me!" A clear, crisp voice echoed, and it somehow calmed the bustling street down with momentary silence.

Feng Yong, Zhen Kexin, as well as everyone around looked towards the source of the sound. A white figure stood amongst the people.

Her long white dress had no other details. There were only a few silver lines along the sleeves, which made it look simple but elegant.

She had delicate features and looked elegant yet cold. She had perfect brows and lips, and her eyes were dark as the night sky while shimmering with light. One look at her, and you were dazzled.

She had the airs of elegance, and she seemed like the moon in the night sky. Standing proud and holy, she seemed distant from everyone else around.

At that moment, everyone was dazed, but they came back to reality when someone spoke with choking sounds.

"Thank you, young lady… Benefactor, you saved my child!" The previously desolate lady seemed extremely grateful. The child that she had almost lost had returned to her embrace, and she had no idea how to express the immense gratitude she felt. She simply kneeled down and kowtowed to Zihou.

"No need to thank me, bring your child home." Zihou touched the child's face and smiled. Her smile caused her to look a lot gentler.

The lady stood up while nodding her head, and her tears flowed nonstop. She thanked Zihou once again and then left with the kid in her embrace.

Everyone understood what had happened from this scene.

The child disappeared earlier on because he was saved by this lady. Everyone admired Zihou for her brave act, but they were now worried about her current circumstances.

"You were the one who touched my carriage?" Zhen Kexin reacted, sounding extremely confident.

She walked forward and looked ruthlessly and angrily at Zihou. She looked extremely jealous as the person standing in front of her was too beautiful, making her pale in comparison. She used to be proud of her beauty, but now she just looked plain beside her; she felt sore about that. At the same time, she felt as if she was oddly familiar, but she did not know where she was from.

Zhen Kexin?!

A variety of images appeared in her mind. In her memories, there was not a single time where this woman did not bully Zihou. On top of that, she was cruel and vicious and resorted to all methods to insult a person.

Zihou's lips curled sinisterly, and she laughed in her heart. Since they were so fated, then she would not be polite. She would collect some interest from her, just like Chu Yixuan.

"Do you have difficulty hearing?" Zihou looked at Zhen Kexin with sympathy, and this made Zhen Kexin feel as if she was actually quite pitiful.

"What?" Zhen Kexin felt confused and could not react.

"I already said that it was me, and yet you still asked. You must be either hard of hearing, or there's something wrong with you!" Zihou said, looking helpless.

The masses were stunned at first, but then they laughed afterward. It was true that this lady had admitted that it was her already, and yet she still asked. If she did not have difficulty hearing, then there must be something wrong with her. While they scorned Zhen Kexin, they felt sad for her as well. Not only was her carriage toppled, but she was also played too, so pitiful!

Zhen Kexin finally reacted. She looked at their despising eyes and flared up, her face reddening.

"You scum, are you looking to die? Do you know who I am?" Zhen Kexin a shot vicious glare at Zihou. If looks could kill, then Zihou would be dead without a doubt!

"Oh?" Zihou's lips curled even further, and she raised her eyebrows, excitedly saying, "Who? Might you be the Young Mistress from the Prime Minister's estate?"

Zhen Kexin was stunned and asked with a face full of doubt, "How did you know?" Was she really too famous that many knew her? Zhen Kexin could not help but think of all these and made her own speculations.

Zhen Kexin's reaction meant that she admitted being the Young Mistress from the Prime Minister's estate. The people who were originally discussing loudly changed their expressions and held back on what they were about to say.

No one dared to mess with the Prime Minister's estate. If they were targeted by the estate, then they would die a terrible death. However, there were rumors that she was extremely pretty and virtuous, but it was clear that rumors could not be trusted!

She was pretty indeed, but she was nothing compared to this lady in front of her. As for being virtuous, you had to be blind to believe that this vicious lady was virtuous at all!

"Oh, I'm right!" Zihou acted surprised, and her next sentence almost caused Zhen Kexin to vomit blood. "It was said that the Young Mistress had no conscience and was not very smart! To fulfill both of these criteria is not too easy, and it's not surprising that I got right!"


Qi Shaoyang immediately laughed. He was not someone who was afraid of the Prime Minister's estate. Also, Boss was too good indeed. With just a few sentences, she managed to mess with Zhen Kexin. She did not use any vulgarities but managed to scold her terribly!

Although they were afraid of the Prime Minister's estate's power, the people around could not help but laugh. At the same time, they once again admired Zihou's bravery and her ability to piss people off.

"You, you, you scum, I'm going to kill you!" Zhen Kexin was so angry that all the hair on her head stood up. She pulled out her sword and began to rush towards Zihou, about to attack.