Time of Peace and Prosperity (Yep, The Awesome Zihou)

Regarding the gamble between the two, most people were not optimistic about Zihou. In the previous Spring Pageants, thanks to the blessing of the Seventh Prince, they had the pleasure of seeing Wei Zihou's unbearable paintings, and they really did not want to see it again!

"Yixuan, do you think this Wei Zihou is really capable, or is she cheating the crowd?" Jiang Mo stared at Zihou. After his first experience at First Impressions Restaurant and seeing Wei Zihou's domineering declaration just now, he could not understand her at all!

"I don't know!" Chu Yixuan's face was cold and his brows were almost knotted together. He had seen Wei Zihou's painting skills and could not bear to look directly at it. But he could not see through the Wei Zihou of today at all, which made him very upset!

The back of the painting faced the audience, and they could only see Zihou's hand holding the brush and swiping over the canvas again and again, but what was painted was unknown.

As time went by, Zihou held the paintbrush, her expression calm, and her whole body was light and clear as if she had entered a mysterious realm.

This scene was seen by Zhen Xueyan, inexplicably raising an ominous hunch at the bottom of her heart. She faintly felt that it seemed to be beyond her expectations…

"Okay." After a while, Zihou set aside the brush and gestured to the servant to show the painting.

"Wei Zihou, I want to see what you drew…" Zhen Xueyan saw the faint look on Zihou's face and her heart burst. She once again inevitably raised a trace of coolness and soon pressed her down. She looked around, and when she saw the content of the painting, the smile on her face stiffened and was replaced with incredible disbelief.

The painting depicted a lotus blooming quietly among many begonia flowers. The green lotus leaf, contrasting with the dazzling colors, was so pleasing and relaxing. Above the lotus leaf, a lotus flower stood tall and slim.

The white color was holy and dusty, making it independent. If Zhen Xueyan's begonia flowers were vast red dust, then Zihou's lotus was the goddess in heaven.

One was in the sky and the other was on the ground!

However, what was even more shocking was that underneath the painting, the four characters "He Qing Hai Yan" were written.

"The homonym of the lotus and the river, the homonym of the swallow and the death of an emperor, and the Begonia flower containing a character meaning the sea. I named this painting He Qing Hai Yan, which means that Western Chu will remain peaceful for many years!" Zihou spoke loud and clear, with unparalleled dominance. She stood on the stage smiling lightly and calmly.

"What a good painting! Even using swallow, lotus, and begonia as a metaphor, Miss Wei is really good at literature!"

"Quiet masterpiece, peerless treasure! This lotus gives a feeling that it's about to feather and rise, really wonderful!"

"The river represents saints, and the calm sea represents a peaceful world. With such an allusion, Missus really feels like the sea, having a heart for life!"


The simple painting of spring swallows playing in Begonias, under Zihou's unique and creative brush had suddenly improved and upgraded by many grades in terms of content and creativity.

Those who thought that it was impossible for Zihou to make anything good before now took back their words. If Zhen Xueyan's spring swallows playing in Begonias made them praise her, then this "He Qing Hai Yan" painting was enough to deserve fame all over the world!

Zhen Xueyan was completely stunned, staring at the painting that had completely changed. She did not believe her eyes at all.

"How is it possible, how is it possible?" Zhen Xueyan shook her head vigorously. She did not believe that the fool Wei Zihou would create a painting that she could never make all her life.

"How is it impossible? I painted it on this stage. Everyone saw it. Is Miss Zhen going back on your words now?" Zihou glanced at Zhen Xueyan mockingly.

Zhen Xueyan shook her head desperately. Not like this, why was it so different from what she planned? The plan was that she and Kexin would perform well and then let Zihou come on stage to embarrass herself.

In the end, not only did Wei Zihou not embarrass herself, but she also embarrassed them! Why did this happen?

"Oh, by the way, what about the dog barking? Ah, I have a bad memory and almost forgot," Zihou asked suddenly.

"Boss, it's not that you have a bad memory, but that you are too kind!" Qi Shaoyang replied, cooperating with her.

"No!" Zhen Xueyan refused. It was impossible for her to bark in front of such a large audience. She was the eldest lady of the Prime Minister's estate. Such a disgraceful thing, how could she bring herself to do it?

"No?" Zihou raised her eyebrows with a puzzled expression. Then, she seemed to think of something, shrugged her shoulders, and helplessly said, "Well, Miss Zhen is the eldest lady of the Prime Minister's estate. If you don't want to do it, we can't do anything about it!"

As soon as this remark came out, it naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of those present.

Obviously, it was a gamble agreed to in advance, and Zhen Xueyan also agreed. Why was she not fulfilling the agreement now that she lost? So what if she was the eldest lady of the Prime Minister's estate?

"Not holding up your part of the gamble when you lose! Really did not expect Miss Zhen to be so arrogant!"

"She really doesn't know shame. Take a look, the Prime Minister's estate is nothing great!"

"She usually puts on a decent and dignified look, but turns out to be fake and hypocritical!"


Gossips and whispers abounded. The voices of contempt and disgust were completely opposite to the treatment that Zhen Xueyan usually received. Zhen Xueyan's chest kept rising and falling, her face pale and gray, her throat uncomfortable, and she was almost puking out blood…

"I'll do it!" Her nails pressed into her flesh, Zhen Xueyan glared at Zihou, imagining slashing her with a knife.

"Woof~" Zhen Xueyan gritted her teeth, her eyes red with anger as she reluctantly squeezed out a bark from her throat.

Zihou smirked, sneering in her heart, and her pair of star-like bright eyes flashed cunningly.

"Forget it. I was just joking. I hope Miss Zhen doesn't take it to heart." Zihou generously waved her hand and flashed a friendly smile.

Zhen Xueyan almost spat blood out in anger. After she barked, she said that it was a joke, this sl*t Wei Zihou must have done it intentionally!

Although Zhen Xueyan thought so, the others did not. According to the agreement, Zhen Xueyan had to bark a few times, but Zihou only let her do it once. Seeing Zihou's generous behavior, the people present could not help but look at her in a new light. They praised Zihou for her kindness and generosity.

On the contrary, besides the bright Zihou, Zhen Xueyan was being despised…

Zhen Kexin finally calmed down because she did not have to bark. Because she was under everyone's judging eyes, a fire burned again within her. She was so angry she almost spurted blood!

"Enough!" A stern voice mixed with anger could be heard…