hang not so over

( bao bai and Mateo arrive at bao bai's house he unlocks the door put bao bai on the couch and then runs to a near grocery store to get her some anti-acids, crackers, and Gatorade also known as the sobering stuff.)

he arrives back at the house to see bao bai laughing and giggling he couldn't help but wonder what was so funny so Mateo says: hey what's so funny? bao bai completely drunk out of her mind replies: hey tall sexy guy with the muscles how's it going? Mateo laughs and then hands her the bag with the sobering stuff in it and she says: oof bummer no reply?

and Mateo says: hey you're drunk you didn't mean that. and she says: oh but I did you are tall and shmexy you look like Mateo come to sit with me.

Mateo laughs and says because I am Mateo.

bao bai then says: HAH your lying Mateo doesn't have four eyes and he's more shmexy than you because he doesn't have four eyes.

Mateo burst out in laughter and says: you know. I hope you remember this tomorrow it'll be the funniest thing ive ever heard.. well not funnier than what you just said. she says: hey shmexy man why are you laughing at me. and next, she does the drunkest thing ever she starts crying and says: if Mateo were here he would beat you up for laughing at me. Mateo says: ohh he would ok im sorry don't cry and then she smiles and says: well mister it's been fun but I think ill just go to sleep here. and she collapses down but Mateo catches her in the knick of time and sighs and says: what would I do without this woman she knows how to keep me on my toes.

he then gently puts bao bai in her bed then she grabs the collar of his shirt and says: hey shmexy man with 4 eyes don't leave he then replies don't leave