big boss

bao text Mateo: hey Mateo

Mateo: hey bai how are you i'm great. what about you he says with a chuckle.

bai: I don't know I forgot everything so just fill me in on what happened.

Mateo: haha ok.. so basically u got super drunk u punched a guy I had to carry you to the car. I kissed you.

bai: wha

Mateo: and you kissed me but the funniest part of it all is that while you were drunk I was going to get you medicines and you said that I was shmexy and that I had 4 eyes.

and I laughed at you and you said that you would call me on myself. yeah that's it

bai: give me one sec Mateo *tries to mute the phone fail* OHHHH MY GAWSSHHHHH

Mateo: your un muted bai haha

bai: sorry about what I did.

Mateo: well the guy deserved the punch. haha.

bai: I bet he did.

Mateo: ok bai I have a meeting would you like to come with me to work today?

bai: um sure where do you work at?

Mateo: I'm the CEO of chan corp.

bai: .........

Mateo: bai are you still here

bai: yes I'm here um what time does the meeting start

Mateo: 8:30

bai: IT'S 7:45 ALREADY ok I have to get ready are you going to come to pick me up?

Mateo: yes and I'm wearing black so let's match.

bai... * internal panic* um sure ill go get ready

* I get in the shower wash my hair brush my teeth wash my face spray some perfume and now let's do some makeup- ulzzang makeup cute ill do that and some cherry lip gloss.

the outfit has to be black ok so ill go with black turtle neck black blazer black skirt oop is this skirt a little short that's ok oh well and black heels did.

now for my hair, I'll do some curls but leave them a little loose and ready

with 2 minutes to spare I spray on some peach perfume and Mateo beeps the horn

can forget my black purse.

then I walk outside.

Mateo: *wowww got damn*

bai: * why is his face like that did I do something wrong.

Mateo: you look amazing.

bai: thank you you also look very handsome.

Mateo: ok so before we go in this building I'm gonna tell you a few things there are a few people here that are not good people you will stay with me at all times ok

bai: ok

Mateo: if anyone bullies you or bothers you here which they will not but if so let me know immediately

bai: what are you going to do?

Mateo: ill fire them

bai: oh no need ill just stay with you so no one gets fired or anything.

Mateo: during the meeting, you will sit beside me at the head of the table alright?

bai: ok Mr.big boss

Mateo: And um by the way while we are in here you may refer to me as your boyfriend because I would hate for someone to try to steal you away ok?

bai: okay * both of them are blushing like crazy*

Mateo: alright let's go.