Chapter 3

After what happened at the school today , my feelings got mixed up . I don't know how to react to this fact about the city I lived in .

I love mystery thingy so I kinda wanna investigate about this . I know I am sound like a silly . There are no way I would find the killer . I know . But my adventure soul insisted me to do it . I know this sound impossible , REAL IMPOSSIBLE but I can't help it .

On the other way , I am worry and afraid . I am still new to this city and I lowkey scared if the killer got me . Since I am still new , I shouldn't mess with the killer right? No one knows what might happened if I mess with the killer . I might get killed , that what I thought .


My phone beep , snapping me back to the reality . I was in my deep thought since I heard about the city . I shook my head to keep my thought away for a moment . Then , I took my phone to check who was texting me .

"Hey , its me . Eric" that was the message I was received .

"Oh hey! Wassup?" I replied back , I almost replied with 'where do you got my number?' , forgot that we exchanged phone number before going home today .

"Nothing much , just laying on the bed" he replied back as soon as I sent my messages.

"Same here" I replied back , I know my texting was so dry .

"Let me guess , you was thinking about the story I told you today aren't you?" his replied made me speechless for a moment .

"Yeah , I did . Are you a monk?" I jokingly replied back , don't want to talk about it because if we did , I might can't sleep tonight .

"Not really hahaha . Don't think about it . You are still new here , I don't want you to stress out thinking about this thing until you can't have fun in this city" he sent back a short-long message .

"Okay , no worries . Talking about have fun , if you have time can you show me around?" I trying to change the topic so we don't get bored .

"I feel like I am your tour guider already hahaha" topic change successfully . he replied with a joke .

"Yeah you are :P" I teased him back .

"How much you pay me ? Let me decide whether it worth to show you around" he replied back making me smiled like an idiot at his reply .

"Okay stop being so serious about it . You made me like an idiot here" I sent him the message while shaking my head .

"I am okay to show you around the city . Just tell me when" he replied , the serious one .

Suddenly the thought of the killer came across my mind .

"Sorry for bringing this up but it is safe out there?" I asked him , its not like I don't trust him but our safety is important to me .

"I am not sure but I don't think the killer would kill people in crowd or in the day time with people around" he replied back but a little bit late . Maybe he misunderstood by what I am saying or the messages made him realise about the killer existence .

"Yeah, make sense . I am stoopid tho" I sent the text without realise it's late already . I mean it passed my bedtime .

"I agree hahahaha" he jokingly replied .

"Who wouldn't? hahaha" I sent the messages with my sleepy eyes . I yawned for several times already but I don't want to end this chat innapropriately.

He was typing . My eyes getting heavy and heavier . Without I realise , I fall asleep while waiting him to stop typing .