~ The ebony wood rests by his side - III ~

When he asked me to present myself for re-inking, I hesitated a bit, but complied, sitting in front of him as close as my straight self could be to a beautiful man, facing him eyeing his silky blindfold, the material pressing softly against his contrasting pale skin.

When I thought I would slide my robes down by the shoulder when Xi Ken composed his ink, I was surprised to see that his brush... was actually no brush, but just the holding stick without any brush at the tip. The wood had a dark polish almost as if black, while the smell coming from it was too heavy, the same scent Xi Ken had, which I think was such because of the wood he carried around with him.

"There isn't any brush on it," I murmured, feeling curious about his methods, which surely might be different.

"I don't use the brushes the others use, I have my own preference."

I nodded, but simply sat there watching the rounded stick of wood, it seemed smooth to touch, and in Xi Ken's hand it looked even more expensive.

Xi Ken must have lost his patience when I just sat there watching his brush, so he took it upon himself to untie my robe sash which had a messy knot on it, and then he pushed back the left side of the robes along my shoulder, revealing the inked skin, which from my side vision was quite red around the edges.

The ink was also slightly reddish in tint.

But I was very much mortified to sit still, seeing as my robes had parted too wide and would even reveal my privates if I moved too strongly. The sash belt was just hanging from my waist.

By instinct I quickly tried to cover up myself to avoid the exposure, but Xi Ken's slender finger wrapped around my wrist and stopped me from any further movement.

Goosebumps rose upon his touch, which was warm and human, felt really nice. Too nice if I was honest.

"I will need to re-ink your previous one and also do another one around your navel, it will be a protection charm."

I nodded, after getting the explanation on why he needed me half naked next to his fully clothed one. But from what I can see, he was blind, even if a very sharp blind.

"Do I need to lie down?"

He shook his head, "Not for the first one."

Nodding again, I presented him my collar, feeling slightly exposed and vulnerable in front of him. But I felt relieved, since he was also going to give me a protection charm, the kindness touched me.

"Stay still," he directed, and I watched as the tip of the wood little by little positioned itself on the crook of my neck, feeling a little hot on my skin, which was unnatural.

Then he moved the tip in a similar pattern to how Rai Xo had done, yet it felt much more intricate and not just blank stroking.

I waited as he went on for a long time, slowly and precisely, but as soon as his wooden stick left my skin, the entire pattern seemed to come to life and dragged out a very intense pain into my skin and bones.

I immediately fell back on the bed and shrank into a ball, the pain so heavy, I couldn't even voice it out. My ears buzzed as my teeth clenched together, grinding very tensely.

"Your teeth will start bleeding if you keep grinding, here, bite into the pillow."

I was too anguished to even hold a pillow, but Xi Ken took to positioning me correctly, so that I could bite into the pillow much easier.

And thanks to his effort, it felt better somehow, to hug a pillow and bite into it, the pain lessened considerably.

When my senses finally came back to me, I was sweating profusely, and Xi Ken was by my side, patting my head kindly to bring me back some comfort.

"You did good," he complimented me, "now I will start with the protection charm."

I nodded, my energy suddenly draining as I tried to lay on my back, with my upper front exposed to him.

Thankfully, the inking on the crook of my neck did not hurt as bad as previously and also didn't last too long.

"This other ink will be a little... stimulating," Xi Ken spoke, "since it seeps into every part of you. Are you willing to take it now, or do you need it afterwards..."

I hummed thoughtfully, my mind a bit dizzy from too much pain, but I did feel flustered a bit, "Now is alright."

"Are you sure, I would hold back on this process if you feel too tired to take it."

"No, I am good," I really wanted to get it over with, and even if the experience would be stimulating, I felt I was ready to handle anything after all that pain.

"This wouldn't hurt, so no need to tense up," he whispered, his voice seeming to lose focus as he focused more on his wooden stick, positioning it directly into my navel dip, the tip very cold this time.

I shivered, as I watched the ceiling, feeling the wooden tip dragging around my navel into various intricate patterns. But Xi Ken never halted midway, his flow seemed practiced.

I kept still until the tip lost contact with my skin and the sudden effect was a natural cool down of the area. Unlike what Rai Xo had shared about himself, Xi Ken's strokes had instant reaction, as soon as the tip would loose contact from the surface. So should I consider Xi Ken as some high level master?

I smiled, the cold feeling around my navel warming to a neutral temperature, making me feel comfortable. It had been exhausting, and now that it was over-

"Wait, I didn't get stimulated," I voiced out my flustering doubt to Xi Ken, wanting to know what was going on. And if the stimulation he was talking about was the same one I was considering.

But Xi Ken stood up instead, walking towards the door, "I will be leaving you alone now, the room has been already warded to keep the sounds from getting out, take care of yourself if the need arises, and... do not hesitate to ask for help if you feel too exhausted."

I looked at him with puzzlement, what was he talking about.

But it wasn't after a few minutes of his leave, that I started to feel horny, so much heat entering my gut that my mouth opened up to gasp out a loud breathy moan.