What would I do if I was betrayed by Xi Ken?
The answer to that was surprisingly simple, and even I felt embarrassed, "I would cry and blame him, curse him with bad luck."
Yu Ken's lips twitched, "How anticlimactic, won't you desire to have your revenge?"
I shrugged, "I wouldn't do that, he has cared for me for when I was down in dumps and he saved me from a certain death trial. I am in debt to him, what he says goes. If he wants to use me for something for his gains, he surely can, like who would stop him? He Ken? You? No one will. So I know where I stand, I cannot measure myself as his equal. So I will just go along his ideas."
Yu Ken was bit stunned, well at least I thought so, looking at his widening eyes.
But what he said next stumped me, "You are really naïve and stupid aren't you?"
I raised my brow at that, but did not refute, because maybe I was, unlike others, I didn't run on hatred or revenge, I did not hate anyone in particular, I might dislike them, scowl at them, but I never wished anything ugly on anyone. And I think most humans in my locality had to be the same. A human wouldn't wish anything extreme for anyone until they were provoked, and I was rather immune to those provocations.
So it may be hard for others to really make me sick of them. Yes, that senior Rai Xo had irked me quite badly, that had made me wish him death, but right now if someone asked me to speak about it, I would most likely make a face and then move on.
"I like your way of thinking," Yu Ken finally said something good about me, but then again he reverted back to his old drunk self, "Still, you are so pathetic, all I can hope is for you to learn your lessons faster, you might feel like everyone is washed of milk and taste sweet, that they can be forgiven, but can they really be? It only means you are still young, and Xi Ken has been pampering you."
"So you want me to struggle in some ditch?" I blurted out with a snort, only later realizing it wasn't good to provoke a sleeping beast that was Yu ken.
I gulped, but he didn't seem to mind, or rather ignored me, "You should know that me, Brother Xi ken and Senior brother He Ken, we all are considered the top of the pyramid, yet that is only when considering the 7 great provinces. Because outside our united 7 stands a different world. A world beyond your scope. Do you really believe you can stay safe here? The provinces cannot protect you for long, Ra Ven, Your idealistic world will be shattered sooner than later."
"Why should I care about the world beyond?" I asked him angrily, almost gritting my teeth. "Speak clearly, you are talking in riddles."
He shifted to sleep in a better position, disregarding me totally, "Humans, Demons, Ink Masters and Chanters… they all live united in these seven provinces against the bigger forces of evil. Which we call Dark Forces. The reason why I brought you here wasn't for you to become the bargaining chip, but rather to test you out."
"Weren't you drunk?" I asked astonished, "How come you are so sensible n-" I suddenly clamped my mouth shut when a glare fell on my face.
Yu Ken laughed, dangerously like a deranged person. "I was never drunk, I was trying to see what you will do, do you really think just a little bit of meat would make me intoxicated?"
I shivered, turning a bit cold as the temperature dropped around me, "Why is it necessary to test me, I would go back once Xi Ken finds a way out."
He sighed, looking a bit older suddenly, "You really think he would send you back? You were never from that place to begin with."
Looking at the smug smiling face, I reluctantly realized how much of details this Yu Ken knew, and he certainly just said I wasn't…
"You know about Earth?"
He smirked at my perplex, "Of course I know, I was the one who send you out there in the first place, even He Ken doesn't know. Ha ha~"
I felt the ground shifting as I stood up in a daze, my heart erratic and my breathing is becoming faster, "T-Tell me w-what you said is a big joke, I never hate on anyone, but if you won't say the truth…"
He looked rather amused by the show of my rare anger, but his lips had started to frown, "Seems like he really never told you did he? That you are a resident of our plane, and not some mere lower plane earth."
"But my family, friends, how can they be fake?! And if you know me, Then why did you act as if you didn't?"
"I wasn't sure at first, but Xi Ken's behavious made it clear, and why can't your family be fake? They think of your body as their son, not you. You are Ra Ven, not Raven. You were born here, our master's only child. The Child of the Deity they said."
"I cannot believe you, what deity, what child, if I was born here, then why send me there? I…" I wasn't ready to accept that Risa, Adam, mom and dad, all those close ones were fake, or – No!
I glared at Yu Ken, didn't he say he was testing me? So that was it, this low level of prank… I could entertain. Because if it was the truth, why would Xi Ken lie to me? Why did he say he would take me back to my place? Or was he just taking advantage of me…?
"I won't listen to anything you say, you are just testing me, until and unless Xi Zuen talks about it, I will never believe you!"
Yu Ken seemed very relaxed when he heard it, as if my glaring was just a kitten's paw strike. "When will you find out the truth, I suggest you give Xi Ken a chance to explain himself, or else he would turn his anger onto me, I don't want to die early."
When Yu Ken finally left me alone, the chambers turned colder, but I wasn't really there yet, my mind was in shambles, trying to consider everything and the fact that Xi Ken may have possibly lied to me.
But why would he? If he really wanted to lie, why would Yu Ken divulge the information to me… that did not make any sense, since clearly Yu Ken was rather afraid of Xi Ken, he wouldn't spout out the secrets knowing Xi Ken would go after him if the secret was such a well kept treasure.
…child of the deity… I snorted, I did not have that luck, nor would I be able to tackle such a heavy title. And was it really easy to forget about my family and life on Earth? If I really was a foreign element, then what about the original owner of that body, and why was I… able to see those spirits?