
I woke up to the smell of guy must and the sound of a dribbling ball.

It was Owen Wyatt and all I know is that he is bad news. Star basketball player too. But that is all I know.I did not want to know more. So as discreet as possible. I moved from bleacher aisle to the next one.

It seems that he was mad about something. But not my problem. I ran tiptoeing across until I reach the door but it would not budge. What time was it? Oh no Em. How could I have fallen asleep? Rule number one don't fall asleep.

I kept banging on the door. Forgetting Owen.

"Hey, you ok there? Wait how you even get here ?"His voice deep and attractive got my attention, but I got back to the door.

I kept slamming it remembering the first time I was locked inside and em out.

"Hey, hey stop someone will come ." He grabbed me by the shoulders. But stayed in shock as he saw my face. I don't know if he was in shock because of my tears stricken face or the multiple bruises.

"What happened ? "he whispered.

I stayed quiet. "Are you okay? Who did this to you !!!" his voice cold and hard demanding an answer reminded me of Blaine. I moved back in fear as he got closer and raised his hand. My reflex got the better of me and I flinched. His eyes showed hurt. I have never seen someone show hurt because of me.

I stayed there in shock until he grabbed me and hugged me. I wanted to stay forever. Wrapped in his arms. I did not want to go home. But em needed me. I pulled away flush rising to my cheeks.

"Please open the door I need to go ."

He reluctantly got up from the floor. He then took a necklace that was in his pocket there dangled a silver key. He handed it to me. I sadly moved away and put the key in. I open the door expecting the sun but all I saw was darkness "shit ".

"Let me drive y...."I ignored him and threw the keys at him. I started running.

My feet beat the hard pavement. I could see the white air come out of my mouth. How cold is it? It doesn't matter keep running. The faster you go the less time wasted. I might sound crazy talking to myself but having no friends does that to a person. I felt something wet hit my face. Instantly I opened my eyes and saw a gust of white.

I looked up to the grey sky; flurries were falling. At first, it was just a few snowflakes then they got heavier. It was a full-blown snowstorm. I looked around and felt the wind picking up. My feet kept getting tired and I couldn't stop shaking. I could feel the cold air seeping into my bones. I slowed down unable to carry my body. Tears fell on my face from the stinging pain of the wind.

My face, hands, and the rest of my body felt numb. It was a relief to not be able to feel anything. This relief led to consequences. My body without energy fell to the snow. My feet hit the floor. Then my head. I stayed there frozen in time.

All I could think of is why me. While many are at home snuggled in their bed.Next to the fireplace.While I am so cold? I am so cold. Why I am so cold? So alone. Why does everybody have a family?Why?Why have I been left alone?

I screamed through my chattering teeth trying to feel some warmth through my rage at the world, at God, and at my parents for abandoning me. "Why? " Why me I never did anything bad I was just born. I wish "I was not born."

My energy seeped out like my last words. I then let eternal sleep consume me.