The Dream

The taste of syrup and waffles lightly floated around my nose. I opened my eyes to see a bright flute of dust which the sunlight from out the window over my bed shined upon. They looked like small fairies dancing in their own unique patterns. I got up and went downstairs to see Eugene was not there but a plate of waffles with syrup and a small note saying, "off on a journey to find a few things, hope you like the breakfast!" After eating I went upstairs, showered, and got dressed. Today I wore a long sleeved dark green dress with a brown belt and some fashionable brown boots. I brushed my hair out and put it in a long French braid that fell to my hips on my back. Then I grabbed a purse, put my blue gold notebook and inky black pen and my cellphone in it, and was off. I decided to walk down to a deli to get some brunch and as I was walking there I started to get a strange feeling I was being followed. As I walked along the trail I started to panic and I quickly and quietly leaped behind a large oak tree to see if anyone would come behind me. I waited for a moment and then I heard a small crunch of someone walking on the leaves on the trail. It was Eugene. He had on gray jeans, an archer white tied shirt, brown boots, and the satchel that was in my dream from the night before. The satchel was definitely odd but why was Eugene sneaking around following me? I watched him look around to see if anyone was watching him and then he continued on the trail. The immediate moment after the crunching of his feet were gone I quietly followed him far behind so that he wouldn't see me. I followed him all the way to the deli that I was going to and when I walked inside the deli he was seated at a table. Then he looked up a waved at me. "Everly!" He said. I walked over to the table and sat down. He was still a little bit suspicious to me so I asked careful questions. "Hey Eugene! I was actually on my way to this deli, I didn't expect to see you here." I said. Except I saw no sign of suspicion in his face. He looked at me with his blue eyes and said, "Oh how funny! I took a cab here for some early lunch. What about you?" He was asking how I got here, which I needed to say something other than I just took the small brook trail otherwise he would think I was lying since I disappeared as he was following me. "Well I was taking the small brook trail but then I saw a super small pathway and decided to follow it to see where it went and hey what do you know it led to the deli! I thought it would be a fun adventure." I said. He made a very faint "huh" noise and then he looked at his plate. We ate and talked about our plans for the day then we left the deli to go to a nearby farmers market where he said a lot of fresh produce was on sale. "Hey Ev can I ask you something?" Eugene said. I felt a small shiver in my spine go down. "Haha, you just did. I'm kidding, what is it?" I said. "Since we met everything has sort of, shifted." He said lowly. "Shifted how?" I asked. "Do you know how sometimes you meet someone and you have that weird feeling or almost a memory that you have met them before like Déjà vu?" He said. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I've had nothing but that feeling all the time ever since I came to Bibury. It's just like the dream I had where I was with Eugene and it felt so real like if it actually happened. "Yeah I do actually. You know ever since I came to Bibury déjà vu has been happening here and there. For example, the other day two old ladies were whispering about my hair. I feel like that has happened before in my life, but not exactly my life. Also I need to tell you something." I said. "What is it?" He said as he looked at me like this was super serious or important to him. "I had this really strange dream last night about us, and it felt so so real that I could swear it happened once, a long time ago."