Familiar, but unusual

Well, that's a huge bug.

Has it really been hiding under the furniture? I sincerely don't believe that considering it's size.

The system said it was Tamable, but to be honest I never tamed anything before... I get it! I'm a fraud!

It's a shame I don't know every corner of this game, my knowledge is highly specific. Never once have I tamed something!

So, this creature might be my first one

I spoke to it earlier, it didn't respond... it's a bug. Of course it wouldn't talk. At least not for now, I can make no promises.

System, equip all my gear.

| Confirmed |

System, attempt to tame this creature

| Tame Link Established, Comparing Strength |

| 5 • 1 |

What does that mean system?

| Your five times stronger than this creature based on stats alone. |

Alright so is it tamed?

| Establish a Contract |

How do I do that?

| Offer the creature something, or overpower it |

Alright. Should I be dramatic to make a stronger bond? I'll try

Me - " Alright Cultipede, I wish for form a contract with you... I will give you the strength to surpass others of your kind, and to show this I shall give you some of my blood. Do you accept? "

Cultipede - " * Various Bug noises * "

It bowed its head? Oh yeah, the Title... it will probably effect this. Maybe that's why it wasn't openly hostile at first.

I made a small cut in my palm with one of the Blood Bullets, I let it pool in my hand before offering it to the Insect, in total length I'd say it's around the same size as me.

It curled its head upward and drank the blood that pooled.

| Contract Complete |

| Familiar Established |

| Leader () Follower |

| Cultipede LVL 1 |

| Stats Available |

Show me it's stats, system!

| Stats |

| STR 10 | | DEX 15 | | CON 30 |

| INT 8 | | | WIS 14 | | CHA 5 |

Not bad star distribution, Overall it's clearly bulky... with rounded stats for the most part... charisma and int probably have racial modifiers pulling them down.

For a Level 1, it suprisingly has high stat total.

The Leader Follower thing seems to be the type of contract, I guess with the title, the insect cosmetics on me, and my dramatic contract I took a Teacher sort of role.

I guess it's not bad to have a extra helper, I'll make this guy into a tank for me, making my Summon into a support type.

Speaking of which. This guy probably needs some food... luckily due to my habit of keeping trash items I have stringy meat from wolves and insects.

System, cook 4 pieces of stringy meat.

| Confirmed |

Should I name this little guy? He has been sitting next to me on the bed for a bit. I don't know if I should just call him Cultipede.

| Cooking Complete |

System, deposit the meals from inventory.

| Confirmed |

Me - " I got some food here for ya, if your hungry... we'll start power leveling you tommorow. "

Cultipede - " Understood "

Oh, it talks now. I mean... it's close to talking. It's kinda like a broken old radio being broadcasted through an alarm siren, but it's audible and understandable.

I guess I really need a name for it now huh, hmm...



Cults do evil stuff

Centipedes are sometimes venomous

Noxuis ? No that sounds pretentious.

I'll name him after a chemical, what's the most Toxic chemical?


According to the wiki...

I think it's like Dimethyl Cadmium.

Dimethyl Cadmium...

Dime Cadm


Should I call it dice? Out of context it doesn't make sense. But it's kinda cool.




Yeah, I can roll with that.

Me - " Do you have a name? "

Cultipede - " Not yet... "

Me - " How about dice? "

Dice - " I won't argue, thank you for the name Master. "

Master? I guess so... kinda... weird though...




The next day, I was ready to get ready for more grinding.

This time for Dice, I was originally planning to just going to shop and waste money so this is better anyway.

But where do grind...

And how do I grind?

I can just look at tamer forums but that's boring.

This is a level 30 town, in the nearby plains it's around that level of monsters, I'll have Dice sneak up on creatures to Wich I then kill. This time bothering to actually shoot enemies multiple times to kill them, rather than just letting them bleed out. But that's if there is an enemy that doesn't get one shot.

I have to make sure that Dice is at least somewhat safe... I don't want it dieing on me.



Anthille - Dice POV


It sucks being this weak in this Anthill, I was born here awhile ago... I don't know why I was born here when I'm a different creature than those around me.

And the bullying from the Ants, they always steal my food. Im always hungry.

It was a normal day like always... I guess. Here in the deep part of the Hill I never meet Adventurers... untill today.

A man clad in silver and blue walked straight passed the Giants I roamed with, and they ignored him! Why?

What is he doing? Why is he just sitting there now? What's that liquid he is pouring on himself?

Hmm, I should stay back... he might be dangerous.

What is that thing he is holding? It looks like a stick... what he plan - * Bang * what the fuck was that?

Did that stick just shoot smoke and topple that huge stalagmite?

How did that happen?

He's climbing the nearby wall, what's he planning now?

He jumped! He's crazy!

The... The stalagmite is back...

It was where he was... what happened to him?

* Bang *


How is he shooting that stick out???

He just just shot that big ant!

The Ant can't reach him!

He's shooting more! I gotta hide!


He has killed almost everyone.

What a monster...

He is truly strong...

I must get power like him!

I'll follow him, and see what he does...

- 15 days later -

Why is he still messing around with those ant Carapaces?

Oh shit it's flying???

He truly is powerful, making corpses fly!

I'll hide on the bottom of the corpse, he won't notice me there...


What is this place? Stone lines the ground in neat cuts, and the same stone also pillars up!

Is this were this being is from?

It seems he is making something again, I wonder what it is this time...

He absorbed the Ant Corpses? Such a technique exists? Is this the source of his power?

His teeth became noticibly sharper... he must be stronger.

Oh, he is heading in the building without the floating corpse, I'll sneak in with him



( MC POV )

It seems this insect doesn't have a hard time adapting to being a Familiar, I would of thought it would be more realistic but I guess not.

We have been grinding for a while, I haven't even gotten enough XP for half a level, and Dice is already level 15.

I'm having it round it off it's stats so they are all neatly in 5's... then I'll have it put points in DEX and CON so it has a high defence and speed. Both are good for tanking

He does seem to have alot of Poison based attacks, I think he might even have a low level Poison magic.

If so he'll be really effective, like a reverse Paladin. Instead of supporting your allies while you tank you debuff enemies.

Not bad.

I can't wait to oversee it's growth.