Imprison me in Hell

After guiding the Players who I so generously rescued, I continued to prevent their deaths.

Actually, Arch might be a MC if I think about it.

He is a swordsman.

Incredibly cool looking

Just a twist of edge

And two cute girls by him always.

Compared too me? Well...


Edgy on purpose

Tells lies

Not cool looking

The demon race really doesn't compliment my blue and silver hair. In fact my hair is ridiculous. Not that I'm engrossed in cosmetics, but I hope I can get something to change that soon.

Also, speaking of MC energy.

I litterally went out on a random tangent to save people, and it was the most MC looking guy by coincidence.

I'm litterally getting affected by the plot of this dude's story. What does that make me? I guess in a 5 man band type situation I would be lancer...

Oh, and by preventing deaths, I mean no one attacked us afterwards. Looks like some of the Orange players got someone who read levels?

Eventually we made it out of the Valley, I bid the party farewell, after sending Arch a friend request of course. If I was going to be plot fodder, might as well make it easier.

It was only a slight detour, we lost about 18 hours of progress. So as soon as goodbyes were said we set off.

On the road again... I don't know what I should do to pass time...


??? - " You have the target? "

??? - " Confirmed, Crimson is in my sights. "

??? - " Has he logged back in yet? "

??? - " No, he might of given up... should we water board him? "

??? - " Most likely, he has served his purpose. "

??? - " What about his Family? "

??? - " Doesn't matter, they never digitized. And of course they aren't personal here. "

??? - " I see, terminating him now. "




I feel like someone is talking about me behind my back, but not because I just sneezed. Most likely it's Ruby... talking about her encounter with me.

I know they won't be able to get this account.

Did I mention that the world ended?

Its been a while... don't remember how anymore but 50 humans were designated to keep all of humanity alive. They are on a cool space ship.

One that really defies physics.

Atleast, that's what I heard.

Take that with a grain of salt.

Supposedly they can live for thousands of years per generation on it, the food and water on such is always replenished by the A.I. that runs the thing. Everyone else is for maintenance that the A.I. can't do.

Though I imagine reality can get really boring sometimes.

Remember, take this with a grain of salt.

Ugh, I got side tracked again.

Actually... no, it burns time! That's what I need!




I just don't get it. How could crimson be a second account user? It doesn't make sense. Only V.I.Ps can afford it... and he wasn't world leader for sure.

According to his status, he does seems to be doing his same strategy for sniper though.

Blood bullets and Trick shot combo.

Ugh, I hate that guy... so irritating!

Fuck, he even had mostly the same traits too.

" Un-uniform "

" Manipulative "

" Harsh "

Or, maybe that's just my title changing those.

I'm just envious... he never saved me like that! What made those strangers so special that they get a cool rescue!

What a fucking Jerk!

Every word he says grates my ears!

Stupid fucking " Cobalt "... even the crime of impersonating Crimson my beloved is punishable by death.

And worse, " Crimson ", if your really Cobalt now.... why wouldn't you come back to our guild right away!! That deserves death!


I'll keep this to myself for now, I'll get to the bottom of this eventually.




We arrived at the demon village.

Actually, before we get to murder it might be best to clear up some things.

I am part Demon in terms of race. But I'm not. This world is designed to assume that everyone is human, despite the cosmetics you have on you... including race.

I regret taking the Demon race anyways, it's benefit has a large negative that can't be ignored.

- You take 20% less dark type damage

- You take 20% more light type damage

- Healing magic hurts you.

Fucking healing magic hurting me, I can never get healed by anything as long as I have this race... really not cool.

But I guess it does help in this situation for now. Demons in this village all deal extra dark type damage. So my race helps out there... even if it's under powered.

I Fired a bullet and let my companions engage the enemy.

Me - "Let the games begin gentlemen! "

I shot every demon in the head that I could see... it took about 2 headshots to take one down. Some of the bigger ones took 3. My company was assigned to flush out the demons into my line of fire.

It prevents them getting hurt to an extent, but it also gets them plenty of XP for getting hits on all these high level enemies.

After a few hundred came through, it's time for a boss.

Like many upper class demons, he started a monologue. I guess it just a demon thing.

Of course I shot him before he could do anything. 7 Shots took him out. Not even AoE types... I've just been shooting. Honestly, to see another demon in a monologue get instantly shot is pretty funny. It also happened with a very funny bonk kinda sound effect? Idk, I'm not smart.

Well, we exterminated another race. It wasn't hard for me at least.

I leveled up 4 times... and I put my points towards Dex.

Dice evolved twice suprisingly. He is now a Armored Corrosion Insectoid. Meaning he is standing upright now... and he looks more like a humanoid ant hybrid with extra legs popping out like wings. It's points were pure Con.

Asi Leveled up quite the bit. He was now level 29. It's points were divided into Int and Dex. Should I say Her now? Or are spirits genderless? She certainly looks like a female now, rather than a small wisp.

Asi is now about half my height, and she looks like a small girl with long frizzy hair. With artificial cloths made out of fire in a sort of coat. Kind of like Arch now that I think of it.

I guess she liked his coat.

Actually... if Monsters get turned into cute girls... it usually because the Master is the...


I'm the main charector!

Haha! Take that Arch!