Candy Cigarette.

To be completely honest with myself, I'm kinda dumb. I've been putting off making my own items for too long.

So, I guess I'll just have to fix that.

First, I'll make a proper gun.

The Parts I need, I put on a list.

• Muzzle

• Chamber

• Body

• Bullet Cartridge

• Sights

• Stock

I'm planning on making an assault rifle, since I can do that now. I'd take Assault Gunner for the rifle if Sniper skills weren't broken... now I get both.

I'll start on the muzzles since it's easy, infact...

System, craft the best muzzle possible from the items in my inventory.

| Confirmed |

| Crafting... |

| Crafting Complete. |

| Spider Fang Nozzle |

| Increases Rate of Fire. |

Nice, next up... barrel.

I'll make this one my self, specifically for Mana Crystal Crafting. I'm planning on trying muitple different crystals to find out the effect differences.

Creating a hollow tube with alchemy out of Alchemical Spider Carapacite was no big deal, I feel like im forgetting something though.

System, what are my alchemy skills again?

| Blood King's Alchemy |

| Alchemical Magic |

I see, activate Blood King's Alchemy then?

| Confirmed |

| All Alchemical creations will have an additional property, specifically Blood |

Alright... neat?

Oh right! I need to rifle the barrel, almost forgot. I twisted the insides using Alchemy, and began creating small grooves on the inner and outer layer.


Weaving magic veins into the grooves, I then connected them all together at the end... and then I led them to outside the barrel for testing.

First, the basic elements...

Fire - Chance to set enemies on fire

Water - Extra Critical strike chance

Earth - Bullets also do blunt damage

Air - Bullets are faster and more accurate

Next, the enhanced elements...

Explosive - Bullets do AoE

((('++---- Ice - Chance to freeze targets

Metal - Bullets home in on enemies

Lightning - Chance to inflict Paralysis

Next the combined fire elements...

Fire + Water - Deals extra fire damage

Fire + Earth - Create DoT terrain on crit

Fire + Air - Sets enemies on fire

Next the combined water elements...

Water + Earth - Create Slowing AoE on crit

Water + Air - Disorients targets

Next combined Earth elements...

Earth + Air - Bullets travel faster and deal blunt damage

Alright, that's all the basic elements... nothing to special except for metal.

Let's try the nature type ones...

Nature - Heals on hit

Light - Chance to blind opponents

Dark - Chance to double damage

Nature + Light - Heals on hit, chance to revive allies in hit.

Nature + Dark - Heals on hit, chance to summon a skeleton Ally on hit

Light + Dark - Chance to create skeleton Ally on hit, Chance to create Spirit on hit.

Nothing special here, I'm not going to be a healer after all. How about the exoctic ones you can't mix?

Death - Inflicts random curse on hit

Life - Heals on hit, Inflicts random buff on hit

Blood - Damage dealt slightly increases Damage.

Nano - Creates a small patch of snow??

Gravity - Summons an Ant????

Space - Results unknown.

Time - Allows user to " Record " shots.

Thermodynamic - Inflicts " Frost Fire "

Alchemical - Genetically modifies target




Yeah that's it, some of the exotic magics do weird things... maybe cause it's just a barrel but... what's with the ant and snow thing?

Whatever... I'm going for Ice since blood is always active, the chance to freeze will helpful... especially after I add more crystals.

I began the process of installing 4 large Mana Crystals into the barrel. It's not hard of course, just time consuming. They each decorate the black barrel like pretty blue gems on it, and to keep with the theme I guess... I added a few ice crystals to the Muzzle as well. It's called a nozzle for some reason that I don't know... but surely that must be just a name right?

Whatever, the end result for the barrel is :

| Freezes Target on Hit | • | Chance to freeze area around target, chances increase based on recent damage dealt | • | Increases Damage dealt based on Damage recently dealt. |

For the muzzle now :

| Increases Rate of Fire | • | Negates Ice damage resistance |

All of these slap ass right now... I hope the body doesn't disappoint.

Next time on - Crafting! The WebNovel.




Just kidding, I'll finish crafting.

For the Bodies design, I just let the system create it... to Wich I added one Metal Crystal and 25 Ice ones. I'm going ham right now. The whole thing shines almost.

Since I'm just finishing that there, here is the results :

| Ice Shards explode out of killed targets | • | Bullets slightly home in on targets | • | All bullets are Ice damage | • | Damage increases based on recent damage done | • | Ice Blossom Shroud | • | Ice Blossom Beam | • | Absolute Zero | • | All ice effects increased |

Pretty huh?

That's what you get for stacking lots of crystals, and no that isn't a meth joke.

The stock, sights, and bullets now huh.

Bullets first.

I've decided to use Thermodynamic bullets, since they inflict Frost fire. As far as I know it's slightly more powerful than inflicting bleed damage, but it doesn't last forever.

So, why not use both.

System, create bullets out of Spider fangs.

| Confirmed |

| How many? |


| Confirmed |

| Bleed bullets -> Blood Bullets |

| Crafting... |

| Crafting Complete |

Blood bullets again huh, you guys served your purpose before. So I'll take you to the end with me!

Not before installing thermodynamic crystal Orbs into the middle, luckily there is no gunpowder inside for some reason, not too sure why. Maybe it fires with magic?

Whatever, the deed is done.

Create these into a cartridge please.

| Confirmed |

| Ice Blossom Bullets -> Ice Blossom Cartridge |

| Crafting Complete |

Since there is free material... being the cartridge itself, I decided to make it a little fancy.

Not by adding crystals though, I'll just create some actual Ice and make small ice blossoms patterns on it. Just for cosmetic purpose.


That took a little bit, It's hard to make Ice when you don't have Ice magic haha. I made It through however, and I made nice patterns throughout the entire gun. It's very pretty. Between the symmetrical crystals and the waves of ice that dance between the gun, it almost looks like it wouldn't shoot.

No matter however, This will fire no matter what.

Anyways... I forgot the stats of the cartridge right? Here you go.

| Inflicts Frost burn | • | Inflicts bleed | • | Consecutive hits increase damage |

Nothing much, but nothing to scoff at. That's 2% of your health removed every second of you don't heal. Plus you have to worry about the damage from the gun!

This might just end up being the strongest gun in the game... actually it probably will be due to the lack of gun users and it most likely hitting Divine rank.

Crafters hate him, Insectoid's love him. How? He makes Divine items, follow these simple steps and you can be covered in Centipede and Spider Tits all day!

Im not joking by the way, I swear they both are trying very hard to seduce me... it's quite obvious actually, normally I would accept their advances but... idk. I guess I'm just not the right mindset? Did Using all these Magic Crystals remove my Sex Drive? They should put a warning on these then!

| Answer : Mana Crystals don't affect your sex drive. |

Then what's the problem?

| ... |

What? Your litterally speaking in my head, I can hear you say dot dot dot! What are you hiding from me system !

| Contacting Support A.I. ... |

{} Answer : Sex Drive, Memory, and +:):/exchanged for sanity, transaction occured about 3 days ago. {}








Ok then... actually, is that why Edo's charm didn't work on me?

| Answer : Yes |

Then I guess its actually useful... while I'm kinda concerned about missing memory... in exchange for sanity I guess I'm with it.

I got to make the stock and sights now then... actually...system! Craft the best sights and stock possible in my inventory |

| Confirmed, effect can be increases if you sacrifice some blood, continue? |

Sure, why not?

| Confirmed... taking blood now. |


Youch, didn't expect it to be like that. My finger got pricked by nothing.

| Crafting Complete |

| Warning, editing these parts will overload the final product. |


| Mana density might reach higher levels than possibly containable. |

Aww, I wanted to add shit tons more crystals.

The sights ended up similar to a red dot.

The stock was wooded, don't know if it's actually wood or not.

Finish the product then system.

| Confirmed |

| Finishing... |

| Crafting Complete |

| Bloodied Ice Queen's Blossom Assault Rifle |

| Bound to Cobalt |

| Crafted by Cobalt |

| Unique Assault Rifle |

Unique huh? Why is -


-----/\./\-----( )------------------[


-----/\./\-----( )------------------[

My name is Mordova, I'm the queen of the tundras and glaciers. And the origin of ice magic.

I wasn't always like this. When I was born to my father, the Dragon God, I was considerably normal for one born of the strongest God. I had nothing to do with Ice at that time. In fact, Ice wasn't a concept to the very warm world I inhabited.

There was a winter year, but nothing ever went below 70°. I thrived with the humans my father sent me to guard. I never knew why I'd need to guard them. But, I did the best I could. I herded away monsters from the city they lived in, and helped the people with their tasks best I could.

Of course, peace never lasts however.

One of Father's off spring, gathered an army to kill the people I protected so dearly. I never knew more about my opponent than that. My Draconic powers were enough to engage the enemies, until the bulk of the army arrived... it was a slaughter at that point. My people were killed and I fled to a mountain range.

I found a cave, filled with the material of Ice... I had never experienced it before, and I was shocked by the Cold. Further deep inside I found a comfortable spot for me to rest. But then I grew hungry... for knowledge and for, well food.

In the deepest parts of the mountain, I found a small flower. It's ice sheared my wings and over took my body, I fought back to my success, I then ate the flower...

I transformed into a God of my own. The God of winter and Ice. I took the powers of ice and took my revenge with it. My powers grew with my kills, but I eventually stopped.

I spent the rest of my time since then, answering Prayers of Clerics in my name, hiding away at the North of the world.

But then, recently I've been watching a mortal. I believe him to be of the " Player Base ", they are known to be the best of the best in any field they choose. And this mortal is particularly strong in combat and creation. His influence on creation itself it's similar to a lower god.

I took intrest in him, and when I saw him deciding to craft something for himself now, I might of influenced his mind a little to create it in my name. Nothing too strong however... I didn't expect what he made.

My form was ripped from my dwellings, and I appeared before the mortal, his face grew weary at my sight... clearly something that he must be used to, that being gods appearing before his creations... just like father had.

I wouldn't let father upstage me now, and I granted onto the mortal my Blessings, and to his new weapon.

Me - " You are Cobalt correct? I've been very interested in you lately... I felt this was the best time to invite you to crusade in my name. In exchange I will grant you further power beyond what I have just given you. Do you accept ? "

Cobalt - " Crusade? I'm willing, but who are you? "

Ack -! What!! Im the fucking Goddes of Ice! You named your gun after me!



Me - " I'm the Goddes of Ice and Snow, Mordova. My strength is unparalleled umongst the other elemental gods. And I'm the eldest of all Gods created by my father, the Dragon God. "

Cobalt - " You know that guy? He's kind of a bother, I think he tried hitting on a friend of mine. "

Me - " That is something he would do, but I watched that interaction... I wouldn't call it flirting... anyways, would you take my request? "

Cobalt - " If the rewards were great enough I'd end my life again, so yes. I'll fulfill your request! "

Me - " Splendid, I shall take my leave now... I believe the " System " will finish the rest that is what you players call it right? "

Cobalt - " Yes, and have a nice day. "

I left in a bit of a hurry, if I stayed much longer blizzards would wreck his friends house.

I can't wait to see his growth.